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Bran Stark-

You were at the weirwood tree sitting on a rock. You heard snow crunch under boots. You snap your head to look at the approaching person. You saw Bran. "You were not there when I woke up beautiful I was worried," Bran said. "Sorry I came to watch the sunrise and lock chance of time," You explain giving him a sad smile. "You miss home again don't you," Bran asked sadly? He sat down next to you and wrapped his arm around you as you laid your head on his shoulder. "I do but I wouldn't change being here with you Greywater watch is my past your my future," You reassure smiling. "I love you," He confesses. "I love you too, my future," You say as you gave him a short kiss on his lips. "Speaking of our future have you ever thought about getting married," He asked? "Of course," You answer confused. "You know how I saw a future with you but I refused to tell you what it was," The three-eyed raven says. 'Yes and I was worried for like a week straight that we weren't together or one us died," You say with a chuckle. "I want to tell you what I saw," The half Stark/half Tully says. "Ok," You say. "I saw a vision where you were holding two small little babes in your arms and had and had a swollen belly obviously carrying another babe I walked into the room and you called me your husband that was the most perfect scene I could have ever imagined I was scared to tell you I was scared you wouldn't want to be with me but here you are I want that future I am three eyed raven and things will be hard but that has never stoped us so will you Y/n Reed help make our future a reality," Bran asked? "Bran you already know I say yes," You answer leaning up and kissing him.

Theon Greyjoy- 

"Sansa as much as I appreciate this will you tell me why," You ask voice laced with irritation?"Because tonight is a very important night," Your best friend sighs. "What are you talking about," You ask? "It is a surprise now shut up and let me finish," The redhead demanded. You sighed before slumping in the chair. Sansa finished getting you ready and was already ready herself so you walked down to the feast hall. You both chattered and giggled on the short walk there. You opened the door and gasped. It was beautiful. "Sans, when you said there was a party in my honor you did not mention it was this-this, is too much," You gasp. "Tell Theon that," The pale blue-eyed girl says. "What," You asked? "Theon planned the whole thing he has been stressing over tonight for months he kept saying it had to be perfect," The girl babbled. You were confused but didn't have time to say anything because your boyfriend had already walked up to you. "You look beautiful," Theon compliments. "Thank you, you don't look so bad your self," You compliment. "Thank you, by the way, happy name day," The greyjoy congratulates. "Thanks," You thank. "Do you like your party," The Kraken asked nervously? "I love it thank you," You answer. You wrapped your arms around him as he wrapped his arms around you. "It is perfect, " You say leaning up and pressing a light kiss to his lips. "I am still here," Sansa spat in horror. You and Theon laughed before focusing your attention on her. "May I steal y/n," Theon asked? "You already have," She jokes. "I will see you later Sans love you," You say kissing her cheek before walking off with your lover. He walked you over to the wine table before pouring you both a glass. The bluish greenish eyed man handed you yours and leaned over before whispering in your ear, "You truly look stunning I don't know how I got so lucky." You sat your cup down next to you and stepped closer to him. You gripped his face in your hands before saying, "I am the lucky one." The greyjoy gripped your hips softly as you pressed your lips to his. "Gosh you two there are children," You heard a familiar voice scold. "You better have a valid excuse or I will kill you Stark," Theon threatens when you pulled away and faced him. You laughed and so did the young wolf. "Happy name day y/n/n (your nickname)," Robb says giving you a friendly hug. "Thanks," You thank. "Good luck tonight man," Robb says to Theon before walking away. "Good luck for what," You ask curiously? "Don't worry about it its nothing Would you like to dance," He asked? "Ok," You answer as you and the future lord walked to the dance floor. You wrapped one arm around his neck and intertwined your fingers with the other as he wrapped his other hand around your waist. You laid your head on his chest and he laid his on your head as you swayed to the music. You hadn't noticed the dance floor clear or the music stop until Theon pulled away. You snap out of the daze you were in and looked around noticing everyone's eyes on you. Your head turned back to Theon when you felt a tug on your hand. You looked down to see Theon on one knee with your hands in his. "What is going on," You ask? "Y/ n I have never felt way for anyone before I have never cared for anyone this much I have never had someone that I love this much I have never had someone that completed me I have never had someone that loved me and wanted the best for me  I have never had someone I would kill for more importantly dying for  I never had anyone that I would rather die than lose I never had someone that was center of my world then you came along You changed my life You changed all that You became the only thing that mattered You became the center of my world You became the meaning the reason behind my life you fliped my world upside down but in a good way You changed me for the better You are the best part of me and I never want to lose I can never lose you I want a life with you by my side forever I need to marry you so will you make me the happiest man alive Will you be my future will you be the lady of the iron islands will you have my sons and daughters will you be my wife Will you marry me," Theon confessed before asking? Tears spilled out of your eyes as you shook your head yes. Everyone in the room began to awe and cheer as Theon wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head. "I love you," You whisper. "I love you so much," He whispered back. 

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