Weekend Fun

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So the weeks fly by and it's already 3 Fridays from when I started school. I talk to Dakota everyday sense we have first period together. I started eating lunch with the group after we all hung out at my house. So the first week is a success for me minus Miss Bitch Megan and her shitty little group of friends, for whatever reason they have against me. Dakota assures me she's just a bitch and not to worry about it. And the weeks fly by.

So as I walk out of school to head home, I notice Kayden waiting out front. As I make it out to him I realize he was waiting to walk with me. I know I have a crush on him I just don't want to admit it out loud yet. I haven't told Dakota or anyone. We walk slowly back home talking about our day. "There is a party tonight you should come" he says. I tell him I'll definitely be joining and he smiles back at me, I can't help but smile to. Dakota had already told me about the party right before we left for the day, but it still makes me feel like a little school girl having him tell me about it. Jeese get it together Jessabell your a 18 year old girl for goodness sake. I'm not a virgin or anything but he makes me feel some type of way. "We should hang out sometime just the two of us" he says. "Yeah that would be cool" I say as I leave him at his drive way and walk up mine.

It would be cool to get to know him, get a better feel of him. I know he smokes, he's hot and plays football. He's pretty chill and easy to have conversations with but that's about it. I walk inside and smell moms famous fried chicken cooking. "Smells good in here mom!" I say as I walk into the kitchen as she's making some mashed potatoes. She greets me with a warm smile and a hug. She seems to be doing quite well here these past few weeks.

We set the table for dinner and have some small talk. She tells me about work and the friends she's made there. I tell her about the party tonight and the friends I've made. "I love that you're making friends and going out, but please be safe and call me if you need me to get you" she seems happy but worried. "Mom I'll call you if anything, don't worry" seems a bit cliche I know. We finish eating and clean up.

I start the shower and mentally start going through my closet. I decide to shoot a text to Dakota to see what she's wearing, and jump into the shower. When I get out I read her response "I'm wearing a short black dress girl with some pumps!" I can't help but smile at her response. I go though my closet and grab my white dress, but think better of it and put it back. I go for a dark blue dress instead also with some nice pumps. I curl my hair and do my make up. Dakota texts saying she is outside. I kiss my mom bye before running out.

Dakota greets me happily as I come outside. "Damn girl look at you!" I can't help but blush. "Thank you! You look just as hot!" I say. She lets me know Kayden is gonna ride with us, then we're gonna get Jason and Jordan. As we wait for Kayden I ask "So what's up with you and jason?". She smiles " I don't know honestly I've been his friends for years and now things have turned into more than friends but he hasn't asked me out yet." I smile back at her before we can finish our convo Kayden gets in the SUV and we head to get Jordan and Jason.

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