"Kaleb! Touch her again boy and you better talk to me like you got some fucking sense! Elias."

"Huh?" He typed on his phone not paying any of us any mind.

"You was just gonna sit here and not do nothing?"

"That's they business. I'm chilling." He got up and patted my dad on the back. "Goodnight bruh."

"You shouldn't have taken my phone."

"You right. Maybe you shouldn't be talking to boys. They seem to have a lot of influence on you. Remember those hickies Elias helped you get rid of? Oops, my bad." He smirked, leaving the room.


"Kambria..." My dad laughed, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before looking back at me. "Tell me you brother is making shit up. Tell me because I'm about two seconds away from beating your ass."

My bottom lip quivered, "Daddy-"

"Don't start that crying shit Kambria! I don't care about your fucking tears!"

"I didn't mean to..."

"So a nigga sucking all over your neck just happened!" He yelled more and it just made me cry harder. I've never seen my dad so mad at me. I didn't like when he yelled at me.

"Sebastian, stop yelling at her." My mom came to my rescue like she does every time dad yells at Elias or Kaleb. He hardly yells at me.


"Let me talk to her and you get out." She pushed him out the room and closed the door. "Sit down."

I sat on my bed and she took a spot next to me.

"Don't let his yelling get you upset." She wiped my tears. I was really hurt.

"He hates me now."

"Him? Hate you? Girl, your father couldn't hate you if he tried." She let out a small laugh. "You having sex?"

I hate that my mother is so straightforward and blunt.

"Definetly not."

"Are you planning to?"

"What? Mom, no. I'm not even dating."

"So you want to tell me why you had hickies?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I really just happened, but we didn't do anything. I'm sorry mom."

"You know you're grounded right?"

"For how long?"

"The rest of your life." I heard my father on the other side of the door.

"Go away Bash."

"Woman you don't tell me what to do. I run this around here." He said, but he still walked away.

"A month." She said.

"A month! Mommy please-"

"I don't want to hear it Kam. I will not have you running around like you're grown."

"But mommy I don't want to be grounded for a month." I pouted.

"You wanna go for a month and a half?"

"No." I mumbled.

"Glad we have an understanding." She smiled, she took my phone, laptop, iPad and everything else I found remotely entertaining.

"Damn son, you got a month." Elias laughed. "You want me to beat up Kaleb for you?"


"Look, I'll let you have this for your long month." He handed me his second phone. "You didn't get it from me."

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