♤2 Memories

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Spoiler alert Seventeen is going to be here because I love them very much


Rose's POV

Why do everything I see reminds me of  'him'. When we were in America we dated for 2 years. He broke up with me when I auditioned in YG entertainment. I was heart broken, he thrown away all our memories together. I didn't knew the reason why he left me. But right now I'm in my room crying why? Because I saw him performing a couple hours ago and he was in a group called Seventeen. Memories of us rushed in my head when I saw him. I cried and cried until I heard a knock at the door.

"Unnie we know your crying about 'him' just please open the door we'll help you" I stand up from the bed and opened the door. When I opened it they all have shocked faces to see me

"Rose you look terrible" Jennie unnie said and she was right I do look terrible. I was wearing a hoodie and sweat pants they were really comfortable

"Guys I'm going to go to the park near our dorm if you need me I'll be there" I said as I walked pass them

I got to the park I just walked not looking at my path. I was admiring the beauty of  the park until I fell. I looked up to see 'him'

"Watch were your goin-what the- Rosé!?!!" He said while handing his hand to help me but I slapped his hand and got up myself.

"What are you doing here Joshua" I said with a cold tone

"Just walking" he said sarcastically but let me tell you this he does not know how to be sarcastic whan it comes to me

"Your still not sarcastic Joshua" I said as I looked up to him

"You know what why am I even walking here to see you!?" He said angrily. My body is boiling and looked at him angrily

"Then why are you even walking?!" I said still angry

"You know what fvck this get out of my sight" he said while me surprise by his words because he never curse

"You've change Joshua your never the Joshua I meet 2 years ago" I said and walked back at the dorm

Joshua's POV

I really can't believe I just cursed I never curse especially in front of her. You must be wondering why I'm being like that. Well you see (or will I say read) Pledis entertainment dosen't want us to be together. They want me to break up with her. So I broke up with her and that was the most regrettable thing I have done. I cried hard when I did that to her she was really precious to me theres no other girl just like her. She is her she's an original not a copy

Hi readers I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment if you like it. And hello Carats if your reading😂😄

Xoxo Author-nim  PEACE ✌

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