Enemies? (Link x Ganondorf x Zelda)

Start from the beginning

As Ganondorf grumbled complaints to himself under his breath, there was a knock at the door. The first few were ignored, of course, until the sound of the wood being hit over and over began to irritate the king. He growled as he shouted at the tailor to open the door, to which the small brunette man to stumble in fear of his wrath. He had expected his servants, Vaati or Ghirahim, to be there. Hell, he would have even preferred Yuga. 

But none of them were there. Instead, the blond hero himself stood in the doorway. His blue eyes pierced into his golden ones, causing the king to tense up. For eons, those eyes had stared at him with nothing but hatred and determination. Those eyes belonged to the man that had killed him time and time again, always thwarting his plans.

But those eyes seemed different this time. Filled with hatred all the same, he had no doubt about that, but there was more there. He saw frustration, sorrow, jealousy, and...was that love as well? No, it couldn't be. Right? He must have been seeing things. He must have!

"Sire?" the tailor called out to the king, snapping him out of his daze. "Should I allow him in?"

"Hm? Oh! Yes, yes. Let him in," Ganon said as he turned around to avoid the hero's gaze.

Link stepped inside the room, thanking the tailor for letting him inside. He then looked back to the Gerudo king, his eyes cold and intense as he walked up to him.

"Ganon," he said. "We need to talk."

The king turned back to face the hero, still fearful from that look in his eye.

"What is it, boy?" he replied. "Why do you disturb me as I prepare to marry your princess?"

Link cringed at the sentence, this reaction not going unnoticed by the taller male. Ganon smirked to himself. The hero must have loved the girl, being that she was indeed a beautiful woman. Though she was nowhere near his type.

"What's the matter? Do you hate the idea that Zelda chose me over you?" he laughed.

"Of course not," the hero replied, almost too quickly to Ganon's liking. "I'm glad she's finally getting married. This kingdom needed a new king and queen since the last two died a few years ago from illness."

Ganondorf huffed in response, bending down to meet the hero's level.

"Is that so?" he asked. "Then pray tell, why did you cringe away at the thought of our union? Are you not jealous?"

"More than you know," the hero wanted to say, but he held his tongue.

"I am not jealous. Zelda and I were never close in this life, so I have no reason to even have a crush on her," the blond said. "And I just..."

Link suddenly began to shrink away, his gaze falling to the floor. Ganondorf was confused as to why the hero, the man who had the power to take him out right now, was shying away like this. The king groaned in response before he looked over to the tailor.

"Please leave us alone," the king told him.

The tailor jumped up at this.

"But-But Your Majesty!" he said. "The ceremony begins in an hour, and you still have yet to put on your robe and jewels!"

"We'll be fine. It's quick."

"But sire-"

"I SAID LEAVE!" the king roared, scaring the poor man as he ran out the room shutting the door behind him.

Ganondorf sighed out, feeling toward of Hylian cowardice at this point. No wonder Link was considered the best warrior in this pathetic kingdom. He was the only one willing to face him. 

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