Chapter 15

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(Skip to Monday)
Monday another day of hate I really don't want to be here right rather do anything else besides being in school, well now that I have Tristan, James and Connor and now their girlfriends Kirstie, Lucia and Anastasia in my life school is not that bad I just hate it because when I arrive at school this morning Alexia shove me against the lockers and brad didn't see it because he was outside so yeah I really don't want to be here.

"Hey Maddie." Brad saids wrapping his arm my shoulder as he approached me.

"Hey Bradley you sound like in a good mode." I say with sigh at least one of us happy to be here.

"I am you wanna know why?" He asked me happily.

"Not really but I bet you going to tell me anyway." I tease.

"I was I'm happy because I'm going to hang out with my best friend tonight a
Long with her friends so of course I'm happy." Bradley smiles as he kissed my temples softly.

"Really you still coming I thought you weren't going to go because maybe you and Alexia had plans." I said honestly because I bet she will do anything to ruin our plans.

"Yeah but um Alexia is mad at me and is no telling when she stop being angry with me so besides I'm still mad at her for telling you about me and her and the way she did it and I really I want to spend time with you anyways." Brad honestly saids.

Okay cool I'm glad you're coming because I want you to get know them how I know them not what other people say about them." I say truthfully because people sees them as bad people but they are amazing and nice people I wish everybody sees that.

"I know, I know you do and I will see that they are amazing boys." Brad smiles at me.

"Speaking of boys here they come." I chuckle as I see James, Tristan and Connor walking towards us.

"Hello Madison hello Bradley." Tristan saids in a silly voice.

"Hey tris." I laugh softy at how silly they being.

"Hey guys." Brad saids happily which shocks me a little.

"Okay we going to lunch you guys wanna join us it give us to know brad more and he can meet everyone properly." James saids while looking at Brad happily.

"Yeah I love to." Brad smiles.

"I love to but I don't like eating at the cafeteria so I pass but you guys can go." I say honestly.

"Oh come on please." Connor begs at me.

"Why don't we all eat at Maddie tree by the side of the school." Brad offers which shocks me again.

"Um sure if it is okay with Mads." Tristan saids which makes everyone looking at me.

"I bite my lip thinking if I want everyone at my tree but then again I get to have everyone I love with me"

"Okay just get you guys lunch and meet me at my tree then." I say happily.

"Okay we see you in a minute wait aren't you going to eat too." James asked.

"I don't eat lunch I usually go to the lunch and spend my lunch there." I say honestly.

"Oh okay we see you in a minute then." James saids finishing his sentence.

"Okay see you guys in a minute." I say with a smile.

"I see you in a minute." Brad saids kissing my cheek softly then walking away.

"After a few minutes i sit down and lean against it and close my eyes and wait for the boys"

"A few minutes more pass and all the boys and their girlfriends, and sit down"

"Hey Madison." The girls saids."

Hey girls is nice to see you girls join us, it makes me happy because that means I'm not only Girl." I giggle bit honestly saids.

"That's what we here for." Anastasia giggles which makes me and the rest girls laugh.

"Hey! Is not the only reason you're here." Tristan smirks at Anastasia which makes her rolls off eyes.

"We laugh then I felt napkin place on my lap I look up and I see brad place a chicken wrap on top of the napkin.
I look at him and frowning my eyebrows"

"What? Hey even though you never going to eat at lunch time. I still want you to eat." Brad smiles at me cutely.

"Thanks brad." I smile happily.

"You guys are amazing best friends." Kirstie smiles. At us which makes us blush.

"How long have you guys been friends." Lucia asked.

"Um since we were 4."Brad smiles at me I smile back happily.

"Awe that's cute." Anastasia smiles.

"Yeah it is." I smile at brad.

"So brad what you do in your free time." James asked looking at Brad.

"Oh um play guitar, sing, skateboarding, write music and spending time with Mads writing music with her." Brad saids honestly.

"That's cool so you and Mads write a lot music with her I'm guessing."Connor saids.

"Yeah we do me and Mads plan on leaving here to move to LA." Brad saids proudly which makes me smile"

"That's cool so brad are you excited to perform with us tonight." Tristan asked happily.

"Perform I'm performing with you guys tonight." Brad asked nervously.

"Yeah you have amazing voice so why not."  Connor saids

"Okay cool." Brad smiles.

Then we heard the school bell so we all got and throw away our trash. Me and brad walking in the school together while the boys walk in with their girls around their arms.

"So you excited for tonight." I asked nervously.

"Yeah I am I'm really excited to perform with them to." Brad saids.

"Me I can't wait to see you sing." I smile happily.

"Yeah I can't wait and maybe you perform with me." Brad smiles.

"I don't know I think about it." I say honestly.

"Okay well I'm going to my locker and get my stuff and get to class I see you later." Brad smiles and kissed my cheek then walks away.

"I smile and go to my locker and lean against it and sign happily"

"For once school has been breathable today"

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