Chapter 9

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"I haven't talked to Brad since Monday and Now is Thursday and I'm dreading to go to school I mean I have to deal with Alexia and exams and top of that brad is trying to get me to talk to him and is really getting annoying"

"Once I'm finally dressed I grab my bag and put my books and my headphones and computer so I can make music at lunch time then I walk downstairs and I see nobody at breakfast so I finger i on my own again"

"I walk out the house and lock it then I started walking to school I got up early so I don't have to see brad because I know he will try to get me to talk to him and that's the last thing I want to do right now"

"I finally reached to school I want straight to my locker and put my books in my locker then I grab my math book and started walking to class but I was stop by a tall figure"

"Hey Madison" the boy says.

"I look up and I see is Tristan I smile at him"

"Hey Tristan"I said with a smile.
"What are you doing?"he asked.
"Um walking to class"I said
confusedly of why he asking.
"Oh well I go with you since I'm in the same class I used to skip it but since you going I go with you"Tristan saids.
"Well let's go" I smile trying to hide my heat up checks from his comment.

"Me and Tristan walk In the class room and everybody looked at me, I don't know why but I don't like it I hate the sinter of attention, it makes me nervous"

"Why Everybody staring at me for?" I asked as me and tris sit down.
"Well maybe because you're hot"Tristan smirks.
"Tris I mean it why?" I asked blushing.
"Well no offense but you're not popular and you walk In with the guy that's classified as popular" he said with a small frown.
"Oh" I say above whisper.
"Hey don't worry about it"Tristan smiles.
I nod my head and smile.

After I finished with history I walk out to go the music room to write a song and mess around with guitars and piano, but as I'm walking a hand went to my mouth and I was drag somewhere, I try to scream but I couldn't then I open my eyes and I saw brooms dustpan paper towels
Am I in the broom closet?.

"I try to scream but the person didn't move his hand away from my mouth"

"Shh shh" familiar voice.

"Agh Brad really" i thought.

"What the hell" I muffed in his hand.

"Madison" he saids telling me to be quiet.

"I nod my head and he slowly let me go"

"What do you want Brad!" I say angrily.

"I wanted to apologize" Brad said with a frown.

"I don't know I forgive you" I honestly tell him.

"Okay but hear me out please"he begs.

"I nod my head for him to go on"

"Okay look Monday I was a complete ass I don't know why I said that, Madison you are my best friend the only friend I want and seeing you with Tristan makes me angry because I know he uses girls and I don't want nothing to happen to you because I care and I want you to be with someone that makes you feel special not just use for sex.. but I'm sorry for not letting make your decision do you forgive me?" He asked with a pout.

"I looked at him and nod my head yes but I know deep down something else is going to be make me angry with him again"

"You do really yes thank you so much Mads" Brad smiles as he hugs me.

"God I missed his hugs"

"So I was thinking me and you could go to my house after school and write some music and maybe do cover of a song that we both love so much what you say" Brad asked.

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