Chapter 2: Gone

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I woke up to the rumbling sound of the doors opening. "Shuck!" I cursed, getting up with a jolt. Next time, I'll make sure to track where I'm going.

Ever since my so-called banishment, I've been running from the Grievers and trying to survive in the Maze. It isn't easy when you think every little thing can kill you.

And now I had to suffer all this because of a lie. And what did my friends do? Nothing. Some friends.

I huffed, walking away to a place I can get shelter while the day still lasted.


No... It can't be. I halted in my tracks, debating whether or not to believe what I heard. Maybe I should check it out. Just in case.

Using my instincts, I make my way where I think the sound came from. Gravel crunched under my weight and the sun's early rays lighted the path. When you're lost in a gigantic maze with giant killer spiders, instincts would be your BFF.

I just had to take one more turn. Taking a deep breath, I walked out to find Thomas and Minho.

They were both panting heavily and looked out of breath. I just stood there. Too overwhelmed to believe what I was seeing. None of them noticed me, until Minho looked up.

"Who are you?!" Minho shouted, his eyes wide in a mixture of fear and shock.

I couldn't stop the maniac laugh that escaped my lips.

"L-Lira?" Thomas walked closer to me. He stretched his arm out to touch me. His fingers brushed across my skin as I burst into a fit of laughter.

Thomas took a few shaky steps back, too shocked to believe what he was seeing. I guess I was gone for a while now.

"What? Are you afraid I'm gonna bite you?" I teased, mocking him. Shaking my head, I run my fingers through my tangled mess of a head. "I didn't think I'd see you this soon!"

"But... You're supposed to be dead!" Minho exclaimed; shock written all over his face.

I tilted my head at him. "Wasn't I? I guess that's what you must have wanted anyways. Sorry to disappoint you." I stressed out the last sentence.

I turned around to walk away when I felt a hand grab my arm. I quickly twist my arm out of the grasp and glared at Thomas.

"Don't. Touch. Me."

"Lira. We-I'm..." Thomas stumbled across words as he tried to reason with me.

"What! You're what?" I asked, my vision beginning to blur as I tried my best to keep my tears at bay. "You betrayed me. You left me to die out here just because of what? A lie?"

Both Thomas and Minho exchanged guilty glances as I continued to glare at them.

I didn't care if I hurt them. They betrayed me and left me here to rot. A small part of me ached with longing, to run to them and cry my eyes out. But I won't forgive them that easily. I'm going to show them just what it feels like to be thrown out.

"Now listen to me carefully. I'm going to let you go now, but I promise you next time. We won't leave on good terms." I wanted to kick myself for saying that. I knew I sounded stupid.

Out of nowhere, a Griever's screech echoed throughout the maze. Causing all of us to look up. When the horrid sound was over. I was nowhere in sight.

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