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Meanwhile, Ricky was stunned as he just stared at the girl with wide eyes. Right then, he actually looks like he can't even breath as he watched her.

"Who the f*** are you?!" the leader asked as he quickly scramble up and tried to act cool, but fails miserably. He even sends his friends a glare and profanities when they tried to help him up.

"Me? I'm her guardian angel, and you better get out of here before I beat the crap out of you." she growled out, but the leader is too egoistic to back down. Besides, the girl just hurt his pride in front of his friends and Ricky.

"You have no right to tell---" before he could finish his sentence, the girl was already in front of him as she grabbed a fistful of his shirt and brought him down to her level.

"Listen to me, and you will get out in one piece. Another thing, if I ever hear anything or see you try to hurt him or anything again, I swear I will definitely land you in a hospital for a month. I never go back on my word, got that?" she said slowly with a threatening tone in her voice that made the older male to have chills down his spine.

"Do you understand me?" she asked with a sneer and harshly pulled the leader's shirt to snap him out of his daze.

"Y-yes m-ma'am!" he stuttered and a slight whimper left his lips.

"Good. Now scram." she finished and pushed the boy towards his trembling friends behind him. Even one of them looks like he was about to piss his pants right at that moment.

"You're crazy!" the leader said one last time before they all ran off like a dog with its tail between its legs.

"Tch, scaredy cats." she mumbled under her breath before turning to look at Ricky with narrowed eyes.

Once she turns towards Ricky with a look that tells 'you're next', his breath hitched and he steps back with both his hands in front of him.

The girl rolled her eyes and step towards Ricky anyways.

Ricky then closed his eyes and waited for the blow, but after a minute, nothing happens. He slowly opens his right eye and see that she was just standing there in front of him with a bored expression on her face.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you dumbass. I'm here to help you." she said when Ricky looked at her in confusion and doubt.

"So . . . are you really my guardian angel sent from heaven?" he asked with a hopeful expression, his eyes are also shining in wonder as he stared at the girl.

The girl's sweat dropped, 'Did he really believe that?' she thought as she looked at Ricky with a deadpan expression.

She sighed. "Look, I'm here because I just saw some older kids dragged you into this alley. Also, I've watch too much movies to know that nothing good happens when you end up here. Needless to say, I'm here to save you from those bullies." she explained, a bored expressison plastered on her face as she did so, while Ricky was mentally saying 'I think I found my own Wonder Woman . . .' with admiration shining in his coloured eyes as he stared at the girl standing in front of him with an awestricken face.

The girl then turn her attention towards her watch on her right wrist since Ricky is still in his daze to say anything back. She notice that it is getting late and she would really be late for her Taekwondo training if she doesn't get moving soon.

"Hey, um, it's nice meeting you whoever you are but I need to go now. Also, please prevent yourself from getting in trouble again. Next time, do something or anything to protect yourself. By the way, the name's (y/n) (l/n), so see you when I see you again!" she said all in one breath while taking steps backwards before giving Ricky a final wave and dash off to her desired destination.

"Wait! I didn't . . . get to introduce myself . . ." Ricky finally snapped out of his daze when she took her leave. He sighed and ruffled his hair, leaning his back against the brick wall.

"(Y/n) huh . . . the next time I meet you, I will surely repay you by doing the same thing when you're the one in danger." he said in a promising tone with a slight smile on his face.

". . . and of course, I need to get stronger to do that."

[A/N]: That girl in the picture with a green belt is literally me, and I miss all the intense training and sparring with the other members.(┬_┬)Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this!

Questions from author:

1. What do you think about Ricky's past?

2. Do you guys learn any martial arts? (By the way, you look really cool in the story reader-san, my reaction was like Ricky when you fought the bully.)

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