Authors Note

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Wow! I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to those of you who commented, left kudos, and even just reading it. This process of writing and posting has honestly helped me so much! This is the first time I've published my writing in years and your interest, tips, and kind words have honestly just made my day every day.

My goal for this was to have some choice Virgil angst, but it kinda spiralled into angst for everyone! I never set out to make Logan the hero, it's just how it happened but I'm happy that I gave Logan that role, he don't get enough love!

To be honest, when I set out I had a vague plan but I let it go where I felt it went naturally.

Originally, Pitch was going to be the voice that Virgil hears the start, but I loved Tristan too much to make him a simple mask, and I like them as separate characters.

It was important to me that Pitch wasn't a side. Personally, I have accepted my own anxiety (in part thanks to Thomas and his videos), but I'm not prepared to accept that my depression is anything more than a disease.

It was also important for me to try and not play down the severity that is depression, and that it's not an easy fix. The ending isn't a slam dunk win for the sides, but they are helping Thomas function with a mental illness, even if Pitch is much weaker at the end.

I just love these guys so much! And I loved sharing this with you. Remember to be honest with yourself and your feelings. They are valid, if only for the reason that you are feeling them. There doesn't have to be a reason to be sad, because often there isn't.

So thank you, once again, for the love and support.

Kia Kaha,



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