The morning after

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Waking up after a night of drinking was always hellish, but for some reason this morning it sucked more than usual. Light was shining through the bedroom window, casting a warm glow through the room. Emma groaned as she turned on her side, pulling the silky feeling sheet over her head trying desperately to block out the light as her head was pounding horribly. The blonde was laying there trying desperately to figure out why the heck she had forgotten to close her blinds last night, but honesty everything was a blur and she couldn't honestly even figure out how she had gotten back home.

A movement next to the blonde made her freeze and not a moment later an arm wrapped around her midsection and her eyes shot open, her head protesting at the invasion of light. Blinking a few times Emma's head swam with possibilities of who was next to her and what could have happened last night. Taking a deep breath Emma looked down blinking the spots away from her vision, and her eyes landed on a tan, feminine arm wrapped around her waist.

The young blondes eyes widened almost comically and she turned very slowly under the persons arm and taking a few moment to get herself ready she pulled the sheet very slowly off her head to only her eyes were showing from beneath the apparent black silk and she squinted through the light until her eyes found the person the arm belonged to.

Asleep next to her was none other than the mob boss herself Regina Mills. Emma sat there frozen in place peeking over the blanket at the peaceful woman next to her, brown hair was splayed in a few different direction, her face was utterly relaxed, showing no signs of aggression like she's seen in all the photos from work, and no signs of that cocky smile she secretly liked. She almost looked younger in this state, which in all honesty wasn't surprising, in sleep there wasn't anything for her to worry about.

Emma took a moment to look away from Regina to gaze around the bedroom she was in, and it was immediately apparent that she wasn't in her own apartment... had Regina taken her back to her own house? Emma pulled the blanket a bit more down her face as she took in room. It actually wasn't what she had expected a mob bosses room to look like. In her head she had imagined there would be weapons all over, along with a dark theme for color. Instead she found herself in a stylish room, filled with browns, a giant t.v, and a closet full of expensive looking clothing, and not a weapon in sight.

Returning her gaze back to the woman next to her Emma then had another thought, she'd been so startled that there was someone next to her she hadn't even bothered to check to see if she had her clothes on. Lifting the sheet her eyes fell onto her own body which was clad in a tank top and booty shorts, a sigh of relief fell from her mouth and she threw the blanket off of herself, carefully moving Regina's arm off from around her and she moved to the side of the bed careful not to wake her up.

Standing up the dark haired woman on the bed pulled her arm back toward herself and she turned over, taking the blankets with her, one leg was on top of the sheets giving Emma the perfect view of long tan legs, leading up to silk pj shorts and a tank top that rode up her back, showing off her tan lower back. Forcing her eyes away from the woman on the bed Emma looked around for her clothes, which she did find folded on a chair in the corner. Walking silently over to the chair the blonde reached into her purse and pulled out her phone, hitting the home button she sighed seeing that the device was dead, "great." she whispered. Rubbing her forehead she put the phone back in her purse and looked around once more trying to decide what to do.

Glancing toward the bed Emma made her way toward the bedroom door and she pulled it open and quietly stepped outside into the hall and shut the door behind herself. The hall had the same color carpet as the bedroom, it was a mixture of different browns, in what Emma was sure to the be most expensive material because it was soft to the touch. Artwork hung on the walls, and there were a few other doors in the hall that lead to god know what.

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