Another meeting

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The blonde stood looking over the small table of objects with curious eyes as she took in the contents... Emma looked up at her boss with a raised brow "What is all of this?" she asked. The older blonde dropped the case file she'd been reading onto the table before joining Emma with the gadgets.

"These are the items I need you to take with you to search that room." She explained while picking up a key chain with a little light attached to it, "This is a small UV light, any blood that is in the room will be seen with this light." She explained setting it back down. "These are the shoes you will wear tonight." She continued picking up a pair of black heels and turning them over. "I don't ever want you going in there without some kind of protection." She said. Using her nail she felt around the base of the shoe between the heel and sole and she pulled out a knife from the secret slot. Emma's eyebrows shot up in surprise and she cocked her head to the side inspecting the shoes, "Sneaky." She chuckled.

The older woman gave a small smile in return and nodded in agreement, "Very much so." She said setting the shoes down, "There is just one more thing that I want you to do for me, if there is anything you find in that room, if you can, I want you take photos." She told her while leaning against the desk. Emma's stomach turned at the idea of her finding anything in that room but she nodded, "You got it Kat." She told the woman turning toward the section of dresses that she had to choose from and she sighed, time to get ready.

The bass rumbled through the floor, vibrating Emma's body from head to toe, as she walked down the stairs from the main entrance, a voice coming from the right made her jump and she turned to face the tall brunette, "There you are Emma! Regina's been waiting." The voice sounded from the door way and Emma smiled looking up to Ruby, "Sorry... the traffic in the city in murder." She told her with a small smile. Ruby gave her a smile in return "It's cool, come on." She told her before turning and leading the blonde up the stairs, and up into the VIP section once again.

Once at the top Ruby had stopped her as they had done the last time she was here and she turned to face the blonde. "Would you like the red room again? Or would you prefer a different color tonight?" She asked leaning against the wall. Emma made a show of being in thought as she looked from the right to the left, "How about... the green room? Same color as my eyes." She laughed trying to play it off like a joke and Ruby shrugged, "Sounds good." She said once again turning on her heel and leading Emma down the right hall.

About half way down she stopped and opened up a door and moved so Emma could go inside, the thing she noticed was that the room smelled clean, almost too clean. "Sorry about the smell, someone spilled a pitcher of beer in here last night so we had to get the room cleaned earlier today." Ruby told her walking behind the mini bar and she walked over to the glasses grabbing one, "What can I get you to drink Em?" she asked leaning against the counter, with a cute smile on her lips. Emma looked up at her with a matching smile and she came to sit on a bar stool in front of her, "How about a beer?" she asked to which Ruby gave her a bigger smile "I knew I liked you." She said with a small chuckle. "Glass or bottle?" she asked in a tone that told Emma is was a playful test. She hummed putting a hand to her chin in mock thought, "Bottle definitely." She giggled and Ruby smiled wider nodding her head. "Definitely my kinda girl." She winked grabbing two bottles from the refrigerator and walking back to the counter, she popped the lids off, sliding one to Emma.

Ruby took a sip of her own beer and nodded toward the glass next to Emma, "slide that over here would ya?" she asked and the blonde did so without hesitation. Ruby pulled out a bottle of cider and filled the glass half full. "go ahead and get comfortable, I'll go and get Regina." She told her picking up her beer and the other glass before walking toward the door.

Once ruby was gone Emma's eyes scanned the room for anything out of the ordinary. The room was perfectly organized, just as the red room had been and she was sure all the other rooms had to be this perfect as well. She glanced at the door before getting up and walking around, looking for any sign of... well at this point of anything. Sliding her hand into her purse she pulled out the small UV light, flicking it on she began shinning it around. She checked the couch, the and half the walls before she heard the telltale sign of heels clicking in the hall. In a slight panic Emma threw the light back into her purse, grabbed her beer and dashed to the couch, sitting down and crossing her legs right before the door opened and in walked the club owner in all her glory. "Well hello there Miss Swan, I was starting to think you changed your mind about coming tonight, especially since you failed to do as I asked." She said walking into the room and shutting the door behind herself.

Emma gave her a small smirk knowing full well what she was speaking of, the photo that Regina wanted Emma hadn't sent her. "hmm... well, maybe I was just saving that, thinking that maybe I'd let you take a photo of me. Besides, I wanted to surprise you with my outfit, what would the fun be showing you before I'd even arrived." She chuckled, setting her beer down on the table, she stood, walked over to her with her blonde hair falling down her shoulder straight as a pin. The dress shed chosen for this night was a classy red number, that hugged her body perfectly, it came down to about mid-thigh and it showed enough cleavage to entice. The outfit was paired with the heels from her boss, and a simple silver swan pendant hung around her neck.

Regina eyed the blonde up and down, and small smirk on her lips. She took a small sip of her drink before setting it on the bar and she walked toward Emma, her hips swaying sinfully with each step. "Touché darling." She said meeting Emma and she leant in kissing her cheek. "You look beautiful, but honestly I'm starting to believe you'd look beautiful in anything." She purred at the blonde.
The blush that covered Emma's cheeks was bright and real as she felt the softest of lips again her cheek and she listened to the words. Her own eyes took in Regina's outfit for the night and she bit her lip hard, she'd always had a weakness for women in a suit.

The brunette's hair was straight except for the bottoms of the strands, they were lightly curled, her body was covered by black pin striped slack, with a white button up, a matching pin striped blazer and she even wore a black tie to pull the entire outfit together. She wore black closed toed heels making her the same height at Emma which she was thankful for.

While taking in the Regina's appearance she noticed the single red rose that was in her hand and her eyes moved from it to Regina's eyes, her own green ones showing curiousity. "A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl." She told her simply, extending the flower to Emma. Honestly the gesture surprised her and she hand to keep reminding herself that this was work and nothing more, that this wasn't real and never could be. "Thank you, it is beautiful... and so are you... you look really sexy in the outfit." She said taking the flower, their fingers brushing lightly.

Regina herself felt the slightest hint of a blush rising to her cheeks and she shook her head with a small smile on her plump lips. "You're welcome dear. Now, let's sit." She said grabbing her drink before they both returned to the couch. Emma was the first to sit and Regina sat close enough that their thighs were touching. She crossed her legs and looked up at Emma as the glass touched her lips and she took a small sip.
Regina's gaze was intense to say the least and Emma found herself extremely nervous, to the point where she had to look away. Regina chuckled setting the glass on the table. "I'm sorry about the interruption last night, work is a tedious thing, but I promise tonight there won't be any interruptions, I'm all yours." She said, resting her hand on the blonde's knee.

The blonde jumped at the touch feeling a small shiver wrack through her body. "It's okay, I understand." She said quietly taking a sip pf her own beer trying to quench her nerves. Getting massive amounts of enjoyment from the blonde's shyness Regina moved closer noticing the goosebumps rising on the pale skin. "Are you cold Emma?" she asked, running her finger tips teasingly up the top of her thigh which made Emma squirm. "Yes." She lied, her body shivering at her touch. The blonde crossed her legs tighter while looking down at the hand on her thigh. "Well then... Come with me."

Regina stood from her spot and walked across the room to the fire place which she turned on. She opened the door, talking to a man outside, not a minute later two guards, who one of them Emma recognized as Carlos, came in and moved the couch in front of the fireplace. They also moved the other section of the couch in front of that one and removed the back rest from it, placing it in the closer before leaving the room.

Emma looked on with wide eyes as the couch now looked much more like a bed and her nerves sky rocketed. Fuck Emma you're in for it now. Regina kicked her shoes off and her blazer before climbing onto it and she looked back at Emma, "Are you going to come sit with me? I won't bite... at least not too hard." A devilish smile came onto full lips. The blonde slowly approached, hesitantly kicking her shoes off as well, she downed the rest of her beer before taking a seat on the couch, as far away from the brunette as possible. She couldn't be close to Regina; she couldn't think properly when she invaded her space.

Regina though, had other plans, she scoot next to Emma, leaning her arm on the back of the couch, she support her head with her hand and turned her body to face Emma. "So, where did we leave off last night?" she asked.

Emma always one for being cheeky pulled out the first response that came to her mind, which really she shouldn't have done. "Well, you were questioning me, I was questioning you and then you tried to seduce me with your sexy Spanish and you almost had me until we got interrupted." She winked at her trying so very hard to pull out her cocky side, she needed to stop being so damn nervous.

Regina threw her head back letting out a real laugh and she shook her head, "Oh darling, that wasn't me trying to seduce you, if I had been actually trying you would have been beneath me, writhing in pleasure and screaming out my name with multiple orgasms, but just wait, the nights still young." She winked and Emma's mouth dropped wide open as a heat shot through her body at not only the sound of those words with that sexy voice, but the mental image she received hadn't helped.

Emma's mouth was suddenly extremely dry and she knew one thing, she definitely needed another drink.

Emma hopped up off the couch and walked over to the mini fridge, "Want a refill?" Emma asked bending down to grab the bottle of cider and another beer. Regina chuckled softly to herself, shaking her head she lifted herself from the couch, walking over to the railing to look down at the busy crowd. She walked over to the wall and flipped another switch that made a black curtain draw around the room and she turned walking over to Emma who had her back to Regina.

"Yes please Emma... Though I think I want Something a bit stronger... Why don't you grab the tequila from the bottom shelf?" She said pulling out her phone and texting the dj telling him to change the song to the slightly slowed down version of Despactio and she walked up behind Emma placing her hands on her hips.
"Why do you seem so nervous Em-ma." She purred softly from behind her, with her heels on she was just a bit taller than Emma who hadn't bothered to slip her shoes back on.

Emma's breath hitched as Regina's body slowly pressed up against her from behind and her eyes slipped closed. "Because I've never met anyone like you before." Her voice came out In a barely there breath and Regina smiled moving her mouth to her ear, "Can you dance?" She whispered into her ear and Emma's only response was to nod.

The older Latina smile trailing her lips a breath away over Emma's neck and once again a shudder wracked through blonde. "Good." She whispered. She reached around Emma, taking one of the shots she had poured and took it, and Emma followed suit, absolutely needing the courage for whatever was going to happen.

Regina pulled Emma back into her arms as the opening of the song began and she spun the blonde around. Sea green eyes met mocha ones, a tan hand moved to Emma's lower back, pulling her closer. Emma looked up at her, a slow smile spreading across her lips that quickly turned from a smile to a smirk. Emma's hips moved perfectly to the beat. Regina, though surprised, kept up, grinding her hips into Emma's following the movements to the dance known as the Bachata.

Regina spun Emma around, pulling her back into her body as their dance continued as the song neared its end, their eyes locked, breaths mingled, and Regina's knee moved between pale thighs, pressing against her core. Emma's hip swayed grinding to the beat and as the song came to a close Regina's arm moved around her mid back and she dipped Emma, looking down at her Regina's eyes moved to the lips that were slightly parted from their dance.

Emma knew what was coming before it even happened and she was fighting with herself, trying to decide if she should let it happen or not. Brown eyes and full lips moved closer to Emma's with each millisecond that passed, their noses bumped, breathing both labored and it was in that second that Emma's body took over, her eyes closed and she was about to seal the distance between them when the door burst open and the next thing Emma knew she was on her ass, with the wind knocked from her lungs.

Regina gasped holding her hand out to Emma with wide eyes "Emma I'm so sorry..." she said helping the blonde up before looking to the door furiously, "WHAT part of NO interruptions was unclear?!" she snapped at Ruby who was looking at her with wide eyes, "I/I'm sorry Miss Mills... but there's a problem outside, the cops are here because of a fight and they want to see the owner." Ruby said glancing nervously between Regina and Emma.

A growl left plump limps and she rubbed her forehead before looking to Emma. The blonde looked at her with understanding eyes. "Go... it's okay I get it; this is your job." She told her with a soft smile and Regina sighed. "I won't be long, I promise." She said leaning in to press a longer than appropriate kiss to Emma's blushing cheek before grabbing her blazer and slipping it on. Regina and Ruby both left the room, leaving Emma there alone.

The blonde's eyes moved around the room and she shook her head, "You're getting in over your head Swan." She whispered to herself before grabbing her purse and continuing her inspection as she had been before getting interrupted previously.

She scanned the room with the UV light and came up completely empty, there was nothing, no blood, no alcohol stains, no body fluid, there was just... nothing. "What the fuck?!" She hissed pulling out her phone, she dialed Katherine knowing she was still at the office.

"Nolan." Katherine answered without looking at the caller ID which was a pretty common thing. "Kat there is nothing here." She said into the phone with a hushed tone. "I have been all over this room and there is absolutely nothing in here." She told plopping ungracefully back onto the couch in the room.

Katherine removed her reading glasses, dropping them on her desk and rubbed her eyes, "What do you mean there's nothing there." She asked feeling a migraine coming on, there has to be something, anything!" She demanded, she reclined her body in her chair with a soft groan.

"I mean it Kat, there is nothing, this room is clean, really, really clean. Like, the kind of clean that you can smell. Its bleach, if there was blood in here it's gone, all of it." She told her. "Fucking smart bitch." Katherine groaned into the phone. "I don't know what else to do here, without there being anything in this room that I can find we have absolutely no evidence that it was her." She said pacing her head in her hand.

Katherine sighed and looked around her office with tired eyes, "Then it's back to the original plan Swan, get close to her, by any means necessary, and get something we can use!" Katherine commanded into the phone before hanging up on the younger blonde.

Emma pulled the phone away from her ear, glaring at the blank screen and she shook her head, opening up her text messages she sent Neal a simple message.

Emma- Abort

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