A little too much

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"The police in this city are pests that need exterminated." Regina hissed as she stormed back into the bar and down the stairs. "Who do they think they are? Coming here, accusing me of giving that kid alcohol!" she growled, she walked by someone slapping the drink out of their hand and she shoved them out of her way. "There's no way that kid was even in here, if you're not on the list you don't get in!" She raged as she walked through the crowd of people and back up the stairs to the VIP section and more importantly back to the blonde that was waiting for her.

Emma had long since given up her searching and she was currently sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace. Her legs were crossed lying across the couch, a with a mixed drink in her hand. She was honestly beside herself with what she was going to do. If she was smart she would have Katherine find someone else for the job. Emma knew she was in too deep and it was only the second day... What was she going to do?

Sighing the blonde ran her hand through her hair before fully relaxing against the couch. Come on Swan, you can do this, you don't have a choice, this is the job that you chose to sign onto and now you must live with those choices. She sighed running a pale hand down her face. She glanced at her phone lying next to her and she huffed, downing the rest of the drink the cop picked up the phone and flipped the camera on, and turned the camera to face her.

Using the camera, she fixed her hair into a slightly sexier position. She looked into the lens with wide, slightly blown green eyes, from the alcohol. Her bottom lip was tucked between her white teeth and she got just the right amount of her cleavage into the photo. Looking at the photo she snapped she grimaced adding just the right filter to the photo before sending it to Regina hoping that may get her attention from whatever she was doing.

The short haired brunette sat up, breathing hard through one side of her nose while holding the other, coughing slightly she laughed scratching her nose and looking up to Ruby with a much calmer smile. "Much better!" Regina told Ruby and leant back against the couch.

Ruby gave her a small smile as she used the razor blade to slice through the already extremely fine white powder that was in a long line on the table. "I told you, I couldn't have you going back into that room and scare poor Emma with that Mills temper, it's a bit early." She told Regina with a playful wink. The brunette snorted slightly, "I have a feeling Miss Swan is more than she appears my dear, she acts shy but... I see more in her eyes." She told Ruby before taking another line off the table.

About that time her phone went off on the bar "Get that would ya." She asked as she rubbed the white powder from her nose and she leant back into the couch, relaxing into the cushions and humming in complete contentment. Ruby opened the phone, a naughty smirk played across her lips as she looked over the photo there, "You're being paged." Ruby teased walking back over to the older brunette and handing her the phone.

Regina blinked a few times before turning her vison to the photo on the screen and her mouth dried. "God she's beautiful." She said leaning forward on the couch, resting an elbow on her knee and supporting her head with the hand. The guard nodded in response "Yes, she is... and you're being an ass leaving her waiting, go!" she told Regina waving her hand toward the door of the red room.

Brown eyes narrowed looking into green/grey orbs, before rolling and Regina stood from the couch, "Ruby, one of these days I'm going to..." But Ruby cut her off leaning back in the chair she was sitting in "You're going to kick my ass yea yea yea I've heard that nearly every day since we were 15." She said in a playful tone as she watched her boss and best friend walk toward the door.

Regina stopped in the doorway, and turned back to her with a fond smile on her full lips, "It's just cause I love you." She told her, blowing her a kiss.

Emma sighed, moving further down the couch as over an hour had gone by since Regina had first left the room and she was beginning to wonder if maybe she got arrested, but that was stupid, it was a staged scene and she'd called it off. She closed her eyes looking up at ceiling with a grumpy sigh and before she knew it she had fallen asleep, curled into the back of the couch while she waited for Regina to come back.

"Hey Emma... I'm sorry that took literally forever, the cops are so..." she paused looking down at the sleepy blonde on the couch with affectionate eyes. She came around the couch and took a seat behind the tired blonde. Reaching out she ran a gentle hand through Emma's blonde hair "Emma?" she asked softly trying to get the blonde to wake up. A tan hand moved to Emma's side and she gently shook her "Em?" She asked softly. With a small sigh Regina moved, her foot hitting the now empty glass. She looked down at the glass with curious eyes and lifted it from the ground and brought it to her nose. 

Regina eyes shot wide open as she pulled the glass away from her nose and looked down at Emma with a horror filled expression. "Fuck." She gasped reaching over and pulling the blonde into her lap "Emma sweetie come on answer me." Regina said shaking the blonde gently. A small grumble left Emma's mouth and she rolled over hiding her face against Regina's stomach. "RUBY?!" Regina yelled getting her phone from her pocket she called the brunette.

"What's up boss lady?" Ruby said into the phone with a cheerful voice. Regina looked down at Emma with sad eyes, but the drugs in her system were making her think irrationally. "Ruby, it's Emma, she drank something and she's out cold! Did Jack not take the fucking roofie laced vodka out of here?!" she basically screeched into the phone.

Regina's voice cut Ruby's movement still and she became more alert, "How much did she drink?" Ruby asked, turning on her feet she walked quickly to the room where Regina was, seeing the passed-out blonde she turned back to Carlos who was outside the door, "Get the car started. Now." She ordered before shutting the door and walking toward the fridge.

"Regina, we gotta get her outta here okay? With the cops just being here this isn't good." She told the slightly panicking brunette. She checked the bottle and saw the level just below the mark that was on the bottle, they always measure out just enough to knock someone out to transport them. "She'll be fine Regina, she didn't drink that much." She told her with a thankful sigh.

Regina looked around the room feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Okay." She said quietly looking to the blonde. "This is quite the first date." She sighed lifting the unconscious blonde and taking her from the room and down the back entrance to the parking garage.

Ruby wasn't far behind her friend, she stayed back close behind making sure no one was going to see them. Regina laid Emma on the back seat, sliding in after her and lifting her up so her head was on her lap. Black painted nails scraped gently against the blondes scalp as she played with the soft locks. "What am I going to tell her?" She asked looking up to ruby who hopped in after them.

The taller brunette sighed, "I don't know gina.. maybe that she drank a little too much waiting for you and passed out?" She asked as they started driving out of the garage and towards Regina's mansion. "Let's just hope she buys that." She whispered looking down to the woman on her lap.

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