The green room

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The Green room was all set up with a man in the middle of the room, a blindfold around his eyes, bound to a chair and gagged to keep quiet. His head hung limply down toward his chest and his breathing was shallow. A tan hand reached out yanking the bag from his head and his eyes blinked slowly trying to adjust to the light of the place. A line of blood trickled down the side of his head where someone had hit him with the base of a gun to knock him out.

"Hello Anton." Regina's voice hissed at him and he winced "Re/Regina? What is going on?" He asked in a shaky voice. Regina bent down in front of him giving him a look that said it all. "What's going on? Well... you've been caught of course, stealing, selling information and products to my rivals." She hissed at him, "We are here so I may bare witness to the videos that Mal and cru got of you apparently doing this. I have to say, if the videos are what they say... you my dear are going to wish for death."
Regina walked across the room to the laptop and she pressed play and it didn't take more than a millisecond before the screen came to life and there on the screen was Anton, talking with the leader of a rival gang, Adam Gold, the gang was known as the,

                            'los oscuros'

Or 'The dark ones' in English. Anton was exchanging money with him and he handed over the key to the warehouse that had been ransacked.  Regina's group had taken a hard loss there, not only in product, but also in lives of her workers. Feeling her blood boil she turned to look at the guy who was utterly terrified as he watched himself on the screen. His eyes turned to Regina and he shook his head desperately "NO! I can explain! I needed the money!" he sobbed and Regina's lip curled into a sneer.

"No more talking." With those words he was once again gagged, and the only sound that could be heard through the club was the sound of the music thumping and the sounds of a happy crowd, completely unaware of the horrors that were unfolding upstairs.
"What's your name anyway?" the blonde asked at the moose of a man drove her back to her apartment complex. The driver glanced in the rearview mirror meeting Emma's eyes with his own cold, nearly black orbs. "Carlos Miss Swan." He said in a formal voice and she nodded, looking out the window at the passing traffic. "You know you really don't have to drive me home; I could have called a cab." She told him.

"Miss Mills asked me to make sure you arrived home safely so that is what I will do." He said leaving no room for discussion and she had to stifle an eye roll feeling like she might actually be a bit afraid if she was on this guy's bad side. He was tall Mexican man, with muscles on his muscles, his hair was jet black, and if Emma was being honest with herself he was what she expected a hit man to look like, or maybe a member of the mob, which, to be honest, he kind of was.

The traffic in New York was always ridiculous, it took them nearly 45 minutes to make it back to her apartment, but when they pulled up outside Emma nearly cried out in relief, the guy was way too intense for her, he had had her on the edge of her seat the entire drive. "Thank you for the ride!" she said trying to be polite. She pulled money out of her wallet to give him but he refused it. "Keep your money, it isn't needed, if you're good with Miss Mills than you are part of the family. Have a good night Miss Swan, call me if you need anything." He said handing her a card which she took before hopping out into the cold air of New York."
Good night Carlos, and thank you." She said then shut the door. She turned and nearly ran into the building to not only escape him, but to get out of the damn cold wind. She shook her head as she walked up the stairs to her apartment. Her feet were killing her, and as she finally made it inside her stripped her feet of the evil things and chucked them into the corner. She groaned walking toward her bedroom where she grabbed her work cell and texted her partner to let him know that the night was a success and that she would be seeing Regina again soon. Hopefully, this time in a quieter place, and with less scary body guards.

Of course she has left out the fact that Regina was a literal goddess on earth and that she actually made Emma feel something because let's be honest here, that would not only make it where Emma was pulled off the case, but more than likely she would lose her job and quite possibly end up in jail and that was not an option for the blonde.

She stripped out of her dress and washed her face free of makeup before slipping into an oversized t-shirt and the last thing that was on the blonde's mind as she fell asleep that night was of haunting chocolate eyes and the smell of apples.

I'm so glad you all like the story so far. I know this chapter is short but the next few are longer I promise.

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