"Jihyun! That's very rude of you, her name's Alexis."

His mother frowns, confusing both him and Jimin. The pieces began to click within his mind fiery boiling his skin.

"Alexis!? You're dating my brother!?"

"Mary, what's going on?"

Mary's mother turns to face her daughter, Mary's color draining out of her face.


Jihyun grabs Jimin by the collar of his suit, the two face to face.

"Jihyun stop."

His father interferes pulling the two away.

"I don't even like her."

Jimin protests causing Mary to feel worse.

"Let's calm down and just enjoy dinner and we'll discuss this later, shall we?"

Jimin's mother nervously suggests as they all agree. They head into the dining room and take a seat, Mary expecting Jimin to pull her seat out for her yet he didn't even bother looking her way.

They all prayed for their food and silently dug in, the fathers chatting about sports and what not while the mother's gossiped, leaving the teens to themselves.

"S-So Jimin, how was your day?"

Mary struggles to hold a conversation.

"Good intill I came here."

He chewed his food, not bothering to look at her.

"A-And you.....Jihyun."

Jihyun didn't respond back clearly still pissed.

"So Jimin.....my father was wondering if you'd like to speak to him about our arranged marriage and what not."

"Arranged marriage!?"

Jihyun slammed his hand onto the table gaining everyone's attention.


"Oh? I didn't realize that you were a filthy whore."

"Jihyun! That's no way to talk to a woman!"

His mother butts in.

"You're defending her but not me!?"

"Jihyun, you're causing a scene."

His father spat through his teeth, jaw clenched in anger.


He yelled, throwing his plate onto the floor the breaking of glass and food spilt all over the carpet. The silver spoon fell out of Jimin's hand, clattering against the plate feeling betrayed and naked.


His father boomed, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, tears streaking Mary's face.

"I'm so sorry."

Their mother whispers, getting up to clean the mess her son caused.

"Jimin come with me."

His father added, Jimin excusing himself from the table as Mary tried to reach out for him yet he slapped her hand away. The three exited the house and stood under the dark cold snowing sky. A loud slap echoed throughout the barren night, Jihyun holding the side of his face.

"You have brought shame to your family tonight. I expect better from you and your brother."

He then turns to face Jimin who feared for his life. Heart pounding against his chest, palms turning clammy, throat tightening as he broke into a cold sweat, feeling his body shaking not from the cold but from the wrath of his father.

"Is it true?"

Jihyun still held his swollen face in his hands facing the two.

"It is. I caught him about to kiss Mr. Min's son in the driveway."


His father was beyond pissed, slapping a hand hard down onto Jimin's shoulder giving it a painful squeeze.

"I'll deal with you once we get home. Into the car you two."

He takes his leave and enters the house as the two head into the car. The atmosphere was thick with awkward angry silence, their parents finally come into view and enter the vehicle.

His mother was crying into her hands, their father pulls out of the driveway with a dead serious expression. The drive home was silent except the sniffles of his mother being muffled by her thick scarf, finally arriving home their mother gets out and heads inside.

"Jihyun go into your room and don't come out, Jimin you head into my room and kneel down beside my bed."

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