Chapter Thirty Five: A Nightmare To Remember

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As they ascended, they noticed that the spiraling path started to straighten up, and as it did, Sora and Riku noticed that the clouds of mist here seemed a bit brighter, and the path as a whole had quite an intricate and detailed luminous design! From what they could see, the remainder of the path went straight. Chirithy simply remained there, floating in front of Sora and Riku.

"I'm guessing that this long, straight path is the test, huh?" Riku asked.

"Yes." Chirithy nodded.

"Well, let's do this then!" Sora said, and as he stepped forward and walked a bit away from Riku and Chirithy, a sudden, swirling vortex formed a little further out on the path! That's when Riku gritted his teeth and clenched his fists! His bad feeling was definitely not misplaced, and as the seconds passed, the swirling vortex started to spread, and then, out of the blue, a giant Nightmare emanated from it! It looked like a giant spider, and its legs were gigantic and spiky! It had menacing red eyes, and the Dream Eater emblem was emblazoned on its forehead! The giant Nightmare was colored dark purple, almost as dark as the darkness itself! It oozed out a terrifying aura, and it seemed as though it was hungry! It snarled and hissed, and Sora and Riku prepared themselves as they summoned their Keyblades!

"Is this the Nightmare that's consumed all the Spirits?" Sora asked as he glanced back at Chirithy. He shook his head.

"No, this isn't the one! But it is indeed very strong! Be on your guard!" Chirithy warned! Riku went towards Sora and stood by his side.

"Well, that thing certainly doesn't look friendly..." Riku commented. Sora laughed.

"Well, that may be, but we've tackled worse things before, haven't we?" he asked. Riku smirked and nodded.

"You got that right! We won't let this Nightmare stop us!" Riku said, and so, they prepared for battle!

As they stood side by side, the giant Nightmare gave out an intimidating hiss, and it lunged toward them, going at fast speeds with its long, spiky legs! In a matter of seconds, the giant Nightmare was already near Sora and Riku, and it lunged itself towards them, flailing its two frontal legs at them, trying to shake them and cause them to fall down the path! But Sora and Riku remained steadfast, and they managed to dodge and block the attacks the Nightmare dished out at them! When it leapt back, Sora launched a Thundaga spell, and Riku ampliefied it with Zero Graviga, therefore causing the Thundaga spell to fall more intensely onto the Nightmare! It screeched in pain and its legs gave way, and it fell on its stomach! For the moment, it was paralized!

"Let's take care of this thing as quickly as we can!" Riku said, as he dived in and started to deliver strong and agile strikes at the Nightmare, causing significant damage to it!

"Right behind you!" Sora said, and he then came forward and performed Ars Arcanum, managing to harm the Nightmare greatly, causing it to screech and hiss in pain, as its body squirmed, unable to move because of the paralysis! Sora and Riku were then going to perform a unified attack, but then the Nightmare shot webbing at them, tying them up and causing them to fall down on the floor! The webbing was strong, and it seemed to ooze with a dark purple color!

"Riku, this is poisoned webbing! We have to break free fast before the poison affects us!" Sora exclaimed! Riku then concentrated his energy and closed his eyes.

"Come on...we need to get out of this webbing!" Riku thought to himself! When he opened his eyes, a burst of dark energy surged from his body, liberating him from the webbing! He immediately went towards Sora and freed him from the webbing as well, but it wasn't long before the Nightmare was on top of them! It slashed one of its frontal legs at them, and it managed to scrape Sora's clothing just a slight bit! Sora and Riku both drew back, and they observed the Nightmare giving out a growling hiss! It then started to charge up what seemed to be a ball of purple energy!

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