Chapter 4

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The vampire gave me a twisted smile, and readjusted his grip on Marie, before snarling at me. "Drop your weapon, or I'll drop her."

I slowly bent down and put my gun on the floor, and kicked it over to him, making sure that my dagger couldn't be seen.

"What do you want?" I ask, trying to calm him down. "I'll give you whatever you want, just let her go."

He looked at me incredulously and laughed darkly. "You know exactly what I'm here for."

What the hell?

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, confused.

"Don't play games with me Bitch! Just give me the god dammed key!" He roared, lowering Marie closer to the blade.

What? What key?

"Wh-What are you talking about? What key?!"

I took a minute to study him, and I swear I had seen him before. I just couldn't remember where.

His hair was very dark brown, but it was shaved in a buzz cut, which did not suit his face at all. He had dark brown eyes and was very tanned. He looked to be around 25 years old, but I had no way of telling how old he really was.

I felt his eyes on me and saw his gaze narrow. "You really have no idea, do you?"

"Uh, no!" I said, incredulously.

He chuckles darkly, before pulling Marie up and throwing her across the room. I winced as I heard her body crash into the wall, but I knew I couldn't help her yet.

He stalked over to the table, studying me. I kept my eyes on him, wondering what he was doing.

He pulled out a chair and sat down, gesturing to the chair across from him. "I'm good thanks." I smiled coldly.

I slammed my hands down in the table. "Now, start talking buddy. What were you looking for in my house, and why shouldn't I kill you right now?"

He chuckled darkly. "And what makes you think that I'm going to answer to you?"

I snarled and grabbed his collar. "Because you're in my house, and I am twenty times stronger than you."

I saw him swallow nervously and I smirked. "Yeah, uh that's a good reason."

I shoved him back. "Start talking."

He sighed. "Ok, so do you really not know anything about the key?"

I rolled my eyes. "Would I be questioning you if I did?"

"Point taken. Ok, so there's a group of leaders that rule over all vampires-"

"Wait what? Since when?" As far as I was aware, there were no leaders.

"Uh, since forever? They've been around for ages," He leaned back in the chair and stared at me. "Although, they never make themselves known unless something interesting happens or something goes terribly wrong."

I frown, thinking. How could I not have known that I have a leader?

"Anyway, they have two main purposes. One, to watch over and rule all vampires, obviously," he rolled his eyes. "And two, to guard the two most precious things in the world." He rested his elbows on the table and smirked at me.

"Well? Are you gonna tell me what they are?" I asked, irritated. He was really starting to piss me off, but if I could get answers from him, I'd deal with his annoyingness.

He smiled cunningly. "You have to give me something in return."

What? Is he serious right now!?

I growled and grabbed the knife on the table, and held it against his heart. "How about you tell me everything you know, and I won't kill you right here."

I smiled cruelly as I watched his face pale. "Fine! Fine, I'll tell you."

"Good," I shoved him down but kept the knife in my hand. "Now, no more games. Tell me exactly what you know."

I leaned against the wall, twirling the knife in my hands, heading him sigh before he continued. "Ok, so the Ducibus, as they're called, which literally means leaders in Latin, guard the greatest evil in the world, and the greatest good in the world. No one knows exactly what each thing is, only that the Malum, the Evil, has the power to completely destroy the world and everything on it, and the Bonum, The good, can heal anything, improve anything and can fix anything. Basically, it can do everything good." He shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes. "Riiiiight, So you're telling me that a bunch of old vampires can protect the greatest evil and the greatest good in the world?" It seems pretty unbelievable.

He scoffs. "Oh gosh no! They guard a place which has directions as to where the Malum and the Bonum is stored-"

I interrupted him. "Wait, are they actually called Malum and Bonum? Geez, they really need to learn how to name things."

He looked at me weirdly, as if he was studying me. "You know Latin? That's a dead language."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm old. I've travelled the world. I know how to speak every language that ever existed. Now tell me, what is this key you're after?"

He sighed. "You seriously haven't figured it out yet? The key opens up the room that stores the directions to the Malum and the Bonum."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "And why would you think that I have this key?"

He grimaced. "Because the last person known to have it was Elizabeth, and well, no one can find her body, so that just leaves you."

I stare at him, feeling like my world is closing in around me. "Me?"

"Yes." He said, sullenly.

"Why me?" I ask, baffled.

"Because you, Tahlia, are her closest friend, and the only person that she ever trusted."

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