Chapter 1 // Ticket Trouble

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Hello, hello. Hello, hello. Tell me what you want right now.

The song blasts in your ears while you scroll through Instagram, stalking a gorgeous girl who you used to go to high school with. You wish that you had her toned legs and that your bone structure was as pretty as hers. Whatever. It's not creepy unless you make it creepy.

When you get to the end of her posts, you have nowhere else to go until you remember the deep abyss that is BTS-related YouTube videos. After watching their music videos for almost 30 minutes, you get a very enthusiastic text message from one of your friends: Sarah.

"Guess whaaaaaaat!! I got a ticket to that BTS concert in Los Angeles!!!!!! R u goin??????" you read.

WHAT? You mentally scream. There's going to be a concert and you didn't even know about it? How long have the tickets been on sale? Will I even be able to get one?

Before you even think about how difficult it will be to get a ticket, your heart begins to palpitate quickly and you begin to get hyped for the concert. You imagine dancing in the crowd with Sarah, shouting at the top of your lungs at the (very) attractive members of BTS. In your head, you imagine every little detail of Jimin, V, Jungkook, Jin, Suga, JHope, and RM as they dance their perfect choreography. Your heart beats in time to the music and you gaze, starry-eyed at the boys. All of a sudden, Jimin's eyes snap down at you and he gives you a little smile before biting his lip and continuing his dancing.

Your eyes open quickly and you come back to the real world. You shake your head and still feel a little light-headed from the dream. Quickly, you go online to Songkick in order to buy yourself a ticket, praying that there were still some left. Please, please, please, please, please, you think to yourself as you open the page as you had done hundreds of times before.

Your heart breaks when you see the infamous two words: "Sold out".

You can't believe that after so many times of checking all of the websites for tickets before this, it was TODAY of all days that you didn't look. The day that just so happened to be the day that you could've gotten the tickets and you didn't. You were too late.

You wanted to sob in frustration and without realizing how loud it was, you let out an anguished yell and roll over on your bed, looking up at the white ceiling of your bedroom. There was a loud crash, and your door flies open, revealing your housemate, Hannah, who looks worried, but slightly annoyed at the noise.

"You okay?" she asks, her white shorts riding up her thighs, as she stands in your doorway. "Did something happen?"

You sigh and reply, "Nothing too important. I just missed the opportunity of a lifetime to see my favorite boy band in action."

Hannah scoffs and walks over to your bed, looking over your shoulder at the screen that had showed you "sold out".

"What band?" she asks, suddenly curious. "If the tickets went on sale today and they're already sold out, then they must be good."

You smirk and google BTS in order to bless her. You started to scroll through all the pictures and her eyes slowly grew wide, gaping at all of the gorgeous humans being displayed to her. She is focused on one in particular.

"Who's that?" she asks, pointing to one of the group pictures.

"That's Park Jimin," you answer. "He has some rockin' abs. Wanna see, you pervert?"

She laughs."Oh, do I? Is that even a question? Do you know me at all, y/n?"

Once again, you click on the search bar, this time typing in "bts jimin abs" (which happened to not be the first time that you have looked this up hehe). Hannah's jaw dropped.

"" she breathed, licking her lower lip. "The things I would do to him."

You glare at her, partly joking, as if to say you wish, girl, he's mine. But deep inside you, you knew that you would never meet any of the members of BTS, let alone "seduce" them. Hannah, however, hasn't accepted that and she wants Jimin for her own. She doesn't care what she has to do. Or who she has to do.

You close your computer screen and punch her lightly on the arm. "Get out of my room, Hannah! Leave me to my BTS boys. I have to fantasize about them." You wink at her at that last statement, telling her that you were kidding.

What you don't know was that on her way out, Hannah whispers, "Me too, y/n. Except unlike you, I actually intend to do something about it."

Hello reader(s)!! I intend to upload a new section to this story every other day- except today since I want to get a good start to it. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. If you are make sure to vote and comment!!

Love ya,

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