"Woah Ashlie, that was a great voice acted!" Nick praised the warrior.

Jon nodded, agreeing to the bearded man's statement. Excited, he asked Cory, "Ooo~! Are we voice acting right now? Because I swear I can do the best Flowey voice act you will ever hear Cory."

The older man chuckled at the younger man's excitement. "Hit me Jon."

"Hi! I'm Flowey the Flower! Your best friend, remember Cory...?" The jester voiced acted perfectly, impressing the archer and the others. Suddenly his voice went deep. "Or you just forgotten me like everyone else?"

"That's as a great act Jon!" Nick clapped for the man as the others were busy trying to ignore the shivers down their spine.

"I'm impressed Jon." Cory said with a smile, after shaking off the shivers. "You're so young yet you are good a voice acting."

"Wait, how old are you again Jon?" Uni asked after explaining the complicated story of Undertale to the hunter.

"Jon is nineteenth." Jon said with a goofy smiled on his face.

The older man gasped. "Oh. My. God. You're so young! Why are you even with us in this dangerous situation with us?!"

"Jon's turning 20 next year." Nick spoke up for the behalf of the jester but was overruled by the orphan.

"Whoever picked us to be the shred heroes, I'll have a bone to pick with them!" Uni said salty as Tommy snorted at the pun the pug-masked man unintentionally made.

"Geez calm your dog tail Uni." Cory told the older man but was received a glare from the orphan himself.

"Shut up Cory, you're grounded." The orphan said in his best Toriel voice but it sounded like Toriel had a cold instead.

It took a few seconds before everyone bursted out of laughter.

"What the fuck Un– AHHAHAHA!" Ashlie managed to say before bursting out of laughter again.

Jon fell to the floor, still laughing, while Nick hold himself in place and tried to calm down.

"D E L E T E  I T." Tommy exclaimed, accidentally using his voice power but no one really cared since everyone was busy laughing at that voice act.

"Never again! HAHAHAHA!" Uni even admitting it it was horrible.

"Looks like you found your Toriel Cory!" The bearded man told the camera face who was wiping his tears from the laughfest he had.

"Bloody no!"

Just look at this.

How easily they can act to be the bestest of friends...

Yet they all hid a secret from each other...


The taller one hummed a sweet song to the short one who was sleeping on them.

They looked at the sleeping shred heroes and smirked.

'This is going to be a fun story...'


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