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Stephen POV

When Valerie told me she was going to live with the Devil, it was one of the few times that I saw her use her powers.

By the time, I had got to the house she had packed all of her things and left without a trace.

I did not even remember that Nathanial was there until that morning.

"Hey Stephen where's Val?" He said walking in

"Oh hey I forgot you were here.."

"Well then that makes me feel so good inside."

"Um.. She left."

"She left? What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything she just felt like your crazy mother and sister are still out to get her so she left."

"Where did she go?"

"I'm not telling you."

"And why not Stephen?"

"You forget that I'm not too fond of your child."

"Yeah whatever I'm leaving." He said rolling his eyes

"Good riddance you brought bad mojo with you."

After Nathanial left, i went into my room and had a complete melt down.

"Ich kann nicht glauben, dass sie mich verlassen hat! Warum sollte sie das tun? Wovor soll man Angst haben ?! Gibt es etwas, was sie mir nicht sagt ??!?! Und Nathanial kommt und kommt nirgendwo hin, wo sie schlechte Vibes bekommt ?!"

I was throwing chairs and tables and my bed may have flown out the window.

Does she not trust my ability to protect her?

Valerie POV

I was scared. I did not want him to get hurt because of the things I had caused.

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