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Valerie POV

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Valerie POV

I was standing in a field of green grass and I already knew where I was.

" It is good to see you again Valerie."

" Moon Goddess." I said with a bow of my head

" I know you may be confused but your mate is in trouble which is why I called you here. Natalia is the child of Madison and together with Madeline they kidnapped your mate. Madison's tyranny has been going on for too long. I want you to go there and kill them all except your mate."

" It shall be done." 

I wake up in a dense forest. When I stand up I could hear the screams of my mate. I sniffed the air and followed the scent of burning flesh and the smell of my mate.

When I ran into the cabin the sight I saw nearly killed me.

My mate was being exposed to sun and slowly being burned alive.

I ran towards Natalia and snapped her neck and then I stalked towards Madeline who tried to run but then tripped over a box. I jumped onto her leg with such a force that her leg snapped. Then I ripped off her neck.

I ran over to Stephen and untied him just as Madison and Mack opened the door.

Madison turned to run as Mack came up to me to fight. 

I easily defeated him and ran after Madison.

She was standing in the middle of a clearing in the forest when I caught up with her.

" So this is where it ends huh?" She said with a chuckle

" Yes Madison."

" Well let me leave you with a parting gift." She said smiling

I ran towards her and snapped her neck hearing the staisfying crunch not before I heard her mutter a curse.

" On the eve of your first born's 16th birthday she shall die from your hands the same way you killed mines." 

I ran into the cabin crying.

" Stephen what shall we do?!"

" It'll be fine love." He said rubbing my head but I knew he was just trying to make me feel better.



Trash ending I know but I was tried of seeing this book sitting here uncompleted 

So I'll end up editing it after the spin off is up and running.

Ciao for now loves. 

But check out my other book Hauntings and I'm literally about to post the spin off so yeah.

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