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*Valerie's Room*


I watched as Stella drove back to the pack. I begged her to stay but she knew she had to go back to help everyone and keep me informed.
I turned around and looked at the big doors Infront of me and gulped. I hope I didn't make a bad decision.
The doors swing open startling me a bit and causing me to hyperventilate for a second.

" Welcome to the home of the Vampire King, Stephen King."  
The butler said as he looked at me and gestured me inside. Taking three of my bags from the ground.

Cliff? As in Nathanial Cliff? It has to be purely coincidental. Right?

I walked in slowly taking in the intricate details of the interior design.
Who ever did this had to have extreme patience.

" Master Stephen is in his study and I will direct you there after I show you to your room."

When we walked into the room the bright color hurt my eyes due to the dark colors that my eyes had adjusted to in the house.

" How did you know that yellow was my favorite color!"

" Master Stephen just guessed you'd like it."

But the way he said it made it seem as though there was a little more to what he was letting on. I put down my five bags and look at the butler.

" What's your name?"

" Christian (Grey hahaha jk) my lady."

My lady?

" Okay Christian take me to Stephen."


When Valerie got out of the car I don't know why but I felt a bit of relief wash over me. Maybe it was because she was finally out of this bad situation that Nathanial put her in. She looked up at my house and if the windows weren't tinted she would've been able to see me. I watched as she walked in and I knew she'd be in here very soon. I walked around and grabbed the books off my desk and floor and sat behind my desk trying not to be so flustered.
Then I heard a small knock at the door that made my heart flutter

Wait what!? What's going on with me?!

"Yes come in."

"Hi Stephen I want to thank you so much for helping me." She said as she sat down.

"Don't sweat it love."

She smiled and looked at me and I watched as her face looked more serious.

"I just have one question."


"Why did you kill Nathanial's mother?"

"My dear if I even tried to explain it to you you'd be even more confused then you were before you knew anything."

"Please try everyone just tells me it's was some random attack but I feel that there was more to it. I know that Madison was his mother but the way he took her death... I don't know it felt as though there was something more... A bigger picture we were all not seeing."

"Valerie if I told you this secrets about everyone would be revealed including yours."


I woke up in a dark room it was cold and dark and it smelled like death.

I heard screams from the nearby cells and I cowered a bit.

"This isn't how it was supposed to go." I muttered to myself

L-We're still at this pack my wolf Lacy said.
R-Who took us?
L- A pack warrior

Then the door laced with wolfsbane and silver opened and I was looking at Nathanial.
Before I could even open my mouth to yell at him my wolf yelled
Mate!! Mate!!

I looked at him a bit confused as he gave me a crooked smile.

"I didn't think I'd find my mate this soon."

"I thought you already had one."

"She...she rejected me."

I tried to act shocked.
"What!? When how?!"

"Right after I saw you had left over a text."

"A text! That's really rude actually."

Honestly I was quite disappointed in Valerie I thought she was going to do it face to face but her lost is my gain.

I looked at my mate and smiled a toothy grin.

"Well im not going anywhere."


Well then....
Rosalie and Nathanial ooo do you ship it!? Awwwww we should make a ship name comment some😍😋

What do you think happened between Nathenial and his mother?!

What secrets are going to be revealed?


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