Chapter 15: Fresh Air

Start from the beginning

Now for the smaller stuff ...." the book continued to smaller stuff that normal people should know.

The final page told us to not use Luna's fortune quickly. That was common sense I already knew. Powerful and rich, what is there not to fear.

I yawned as I closed the book. "How was it?" Aaron asked me. "It was good, very educational. Now we need a plan -" I said before Aaron interrupted me. "What about the blacksmithing scroll, materials and equipment?" Aaron asked me. "Let me see them." I said.

I put them and the chest in my [Item Box V]. "There we go." I said, "What to do now?".

"We can enter the forest to find our way ..." Luna pointed out. "Let's do that." I said as we stepped into the forest.


"Dead in one hit ..." Aaron said as he was in his weapon form. He was a blood red longsword, absorbing the blood of the low rank monsters. His special weapon ability, [Blood Edit], allows him to absorb blood of his fallen enemies. He can then use them to boost himself in sharpness, sleekness, weight, length, to a certain range as long as he has enough blood to support it.

"They're only F and E rank, and the occasional D and C." I explained. "I know that but why do they have to be so weak.?" he said with a sigh. "Because we are overpowered." Luna sighed.

"I expected more exhilarating battles, not one shot kills." Aaron huffed. "You can become blunter and duller to see if they can last longer..." I said. "I need a few more kills for that..." Aaron said.

"Stop right there!" A voice came from behind us. "Hand over your money and you will not get hurt! Be some good adventurers for us." a deeper, different voice said.

Me and Luna turned around, Aaron was still in my hands. There stood 2 men, a lanky one and a burly one. The lanky one had brown hair and had black clothes, meanwhile the burly one had fiery red hair and only had shorts on.

"Put down your weapons!" the burly one said as he showed off an intimidating looking steel axe. "I'll only say this one last time, hand over your money." the lanky one said.

I smiled, "What if we don't?" I asked with a fearless grin. "You cocky adventurers, you will pay if you don't." the burly man said."Oh really?" I said as I put down Aaron on the floor. "What are you doing?" Luna asked, I only winked. 'Follow along' I mouthed. Luna put down her staff.

"Good adventures, now hand over your money!" the burly man said. "[Terror Smile]" I smiled. "Wh-what's this? Magic?" he growled. "No, a skill." I kept smiling. "You want to see real magic?" I asked with my crooked smile. "No no no no!" he screamed. I snapped my fingers.

He exploded, blood and his guts falling all over the lanky man. He froze in place, terrified of me. "Now now, no need to be afraid. I'll let you live if you tell me a few things." I said without dropping my smile. "Wh-what d-do you wa-want to know?" the thief gulped. "Good thief" I said.

"My first question, are you affiliated with any bandit group? It's worth your right hand~." I asked him as he sat on the ground. "Y-yes, The Belvus Bandits." he answered with no hesitation.

"Where's the closest town?" I asked him with a bright smile. "5 MegaHexals (km) in that direction." he pointed in the direction we were already heading in.

"One final question, where's the Belvus Bandit's hideout?" I asked with a crooked smile. "I can never give that away, kill me now." he said with no fear in his eyes. "Loyal, I see. I won't kill you, in fact I'll curse you so you can't die. But there's a catch." I gave him my evil grin.

I got right next to his ear and lowered my voice. "These one part of your body you'd hate to lose. I have healing magic so I can close the wound immediately, but what to stop the cursed pain forever. You lose it and your life will be ruined forever, what's to call you a man anymore." I chuckled. I got Aaron and stabbed him into the ground in between the man's legs, just barely missing.

"You don't believe I can curse you? Look over there." I pointed to a dead C rank monster I had just killed. "[Resurrection's Curse]" I simple said and the corpse rose. It swiftly ran away, never to be seen again. I later found out it became a dragon's lunch believing it could take it down with infinite lives. Then it became infinite lunch.

"Now do you believe me~?" he nodded. "When you reach that town go North until you hit a mountain. There should be a cave entrance near the base of the mountain a little on it's southeast side. Can I go now?" the thief pleaded.

I smiled. "You just sold out your team, for all I know you're going to go warn them. It's better for you if you die here and now" I said without dropping the smile. "But what you said-" he pleaded. "I don't make promises with criminals." I said.

He tried to get up and run but I tore Aaron out of the ground swiftly and cut the man's head clean off. He collapsed as his blood squirted out of his neck, covering the earth in his blood.

"That was ..." Luna had begun to say. "Heartless? Inhuman? They were also heartless and inhuman so they got a taste of their own medicine." I laughed as I slid Aaron on my back and trotted to the next town.

"Wait for me!" Luna said as she picked up her staff and caught up to me.


Finally someone (That someone being vackyzengenz1) did art on Cason, it's now the cover. There's the picture!

It's been a fun ride here, uhh Glass_Reaper typing off!

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It's been a fun ride here, uhh Glass_Reaper typing off!

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