13 {Truth Among Lies}

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"You all knew?" his voice breaks and he slumps to the stairs. Elijah and Klaus slowly back away from him.

"Kol, we had strong intentions towards the belief that eradicating the ancestors would ensure Hope's future. Should they decide to resurrect Father to avenge us, we might not be able to reverse the effects," Klaus explained slowly.

"We had decided that since she was so willing to die for Hope's future last time, that should she not return in time, then she would have been alright with passing knowing it was for Hope's safety," Hayley chimed in calmly.

Kol started laughing. Elijah silently moved Hayley behind him as Klaus positioned himself in Kol's direct line of sight.

"Of course, I forgot. When it comes to being a Mikaelson, there are some things I should come to expect. Since the only beacon of hope in my life is not related to us by blood, she is disposable. Because the love of my life willingly sacrificed herself for this poor, ungrateful excuse of a family, she should be happily willing to do it again. And of course, because I have betrayed you all in the past, anything that brings me the hint of joy and possible euphoria must be eliminated at all cost. Does that sounds about right, family?" 

Klaus quickly interjected, "Kol, you are not going to harp about being unwanted again, are you? This was for Hope. Your niece, our blood. And yes this might mean she is more precious to us than others but-"

"Oh Nik, what you don't seem to understand is that amazing creature up there believes that. She believes Hope is the key to some sort of utopian future. And you, you easily kill her off if she doesn't suit your plan."

"It wasn't like that Kol, there was some discussion about you and what was to be done about your-"

"Stick a dagger in a my heart?" Kol cut off Rebekah and she turned her gaze to the floor.

"You knew I would be mentally distraught after losing her, but that doesn't matter because I am not the golden trio nor the prized witch of the family."

"Kol, this wasn't about past sins, this was about-"

"Hope. Nik, I know. But what I can't understand is, why do we lose our humanity to save the hope for all humanity?"

Elijah takes a step towards Kol, but Kol shoves his hand back and his shoulders shake as sobs take over him. Hayley had never seen him cry. Rebekah had forgotten that Kol was capable of the act. His brothers held their heads towards the floor and Freya turned to Keelin with guilt dripping from her features.

Kol stands up and rubs his calloused hands over his face to erase any evidence of his vulnerability. 

"Thank you, brothers and sisters. I know now that the family I once thought I had, is not really a family, but an ill-fated means to an end."

Rebekah quickly grabs onto her brother's arms and tried to explain themselves once further, but Kol forcefully slides her hand from his arm. 

He understands why they did it, but his understanding does not make their sin against him any lighter, only more clear.

He hears Edie's breathing hitch and he can tell what she is doing.

"Even after finding out you lot betrayed her, she is still trying to save you."

Rebekah turns to her siblings and they share a look of shame.

The binding symbol on the hatch is broken. Kol takes a deep breath and bursts through the wood. He snaps the neck of the witch and tears her arm from it's socket. He hears Edie calling his name, but his eyes are pitch black with rage. Elijah turns to see Hayley's look of horror and meets Klaus' eyes. 

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