"Whatever makes you happy, love."

Great, a new pet name.

"You'll be fine. You won't have to deal with it for long anyway."

What do you mean? You were nervous for a split second, that Anti may have known about Mark and Jack's plan.

"Me and Dark are leaving later. About 1 or 1:30." He said.

Oh yeah. What are you leaving for anyway? You asked.

"There's a meeting that PewDIEpie needs all of us for. He's calling all alter egos of the YouTubers. He barely gets to break through Felix, so it must be important." Anti explained.

Oh. When will you be back?

"We'll be gone for a couple of days or so. And why do you care? I thought you loved Jack..." He picked at his food.

I...I'm just nervous. You were scared to let him know what about. But his next question didn't help that.

"Nervous about what?" He asked.

No big reason in particular. You shoved the real reason to the edge of your mind.

How do you get nervous about my well being? He asked in your head. Your mouths were silent except for the occasional cough from you. Your mind was where all the talking was. If you care about Jackaboy so much, why would you be worried about me?

I don't want to answer that...

Y/N, answer me.

Anti, I don't want to.

Y/N, I'm telling you, to answer me. Do it, or you won't see light of day, for another week! He commanded.

I get scared when...

When what?

When you slit your throat.

Why? It's not like it will kill me. You saw him put up his hand, and touch the scar on his neck that was still there last night.

When you do that, it's like a regular human cutting their wrists. They say they do it cause they can't escape their problems. They say they do it cause they can't escape their inner battles. What's your reason Anti? I answered your question. Now's the time you answer mine.

He was silent for a few, then spoke in your mind again. The reason is...Dark walked into the house.

"Ya coming Anti?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I thought the meeting wasn't till 2:30?"

"It was moved to noon."

Anti looked over at the clock on the stove. "Jeez, is it 10:30 already? Sorry Y/N, but I have to go."

Anti, but I thought-He cut you off.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. Finish your food and do what you want for the day. I'm locking the front door, and I will be gone for 2 days at least. See you soon." And with that he was gone.

You finished your food and went upstairs to your room. You grabbed your backpack, turned on Stranger Things, and waited for the signal.

You heard the whistle just outside your door. You heard someone whisper. "Y/N, it's me, Jack."

You grabbed your backpack, and opened the door. He jumped up and hugged you around your waits. You hugged him around his neck, and tugged a little on his green hair. You pushed your nose into his shoulder, and was comforted by his warmth.

"I missed you..." You said. You weren't apart from each other for long, but after last night, all you wanted was to be comforted by him.

"I missed you too." He said. You missed hearing his voice too. "Come on. We have to get out of here. Mark's downstairs in the living room." He grabbed your hand and lead you down the stairs.

"Come on, let's go!" Said Mark. He put his hand on the doorknob, and tried to open it, but it didn't budge. He rammed his face into the door.

He kept trying the door, looking up and down at it. "Come on ya son of a b****!" He said. He turned around. "It's locked!"

"F***!" Said Jack. "Look for someone to open the door with." The three of you spanned around the house to find something to open the door.

"Kitchen?" You yelled to Mark.

"Not a thing!" He answered. "Living room?" He asked you.

"Nope. What about you Jack!? Anything in his room?"

"Surprisingly no!" He yelled. You heard a door close from upstairs, and he walked down. "Well what the f***?" He said. You laughed a little.

You then looked at the door to the basement. "Why didn't I see it before!?" You said in a British accent. You sounded like Harry Potter from the first movie. Jack and Mark laughed.

You walked into the kitchen, and to the door of the basement. It was unlocked. You ran down the stairs, and looked for something to break through the front door. You soon found a crowbar.

"This'll do just fine." You said as you lightly slammed it into your hand. You walked back up the stairs.

"D**n..." Said Mark. "Anti should clean up after himself if we can find that."

"No s***." Said Jack with a laugh. Three of you walked to the front door.

You tried with all your might to get the door to open, but then again you were quite weak. You had a bit of strength from rough housing with your little brother at home, but not enough to break open a locked door.

"Lemme try." Said Jack. You gave him the crowbar, and he did the same, and no change.

"Step aside rookies." Said Mark as he took the crowbar from Jack's hands. A few minutes past and the door burst open. The lock was broke, and it looked like the door would barely close.

The three of you walked out the door, and you were right. "Anti's gonna notice when he gets back in a couple days."

"Whatever. As long as we get away from here and get you to your family, we'll be fine." Said Jack.

"Let's go!" Mark said. The three of you started running into the woods, and you were happy, but nervous.

You were happy to finally leave Anti and his sick games, and you were happy to finally be able to see your family and friends again. But you were nervous, because of what this might lead to in the future.

What will Anti do when he finds that you're gone? How will you explain you being gone for so long to your family? You didn't worry about that for a while. For now, you just ran as fast as you could with Mark and Jack.

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