The Night It Happened

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As everyone left the party, you just started at Anti. The thing that happened in the bedroom...You did like it. You enjoyed it so much was bound to happen now.

"See ya later Emma!" You said, as you came back from zoning out.

"Bye Y/N." She said as she waved goodbye.

You plopped yourself down on the loveseat, tired from a night of fun. It was now 11:54, and you were still anxious for the rest of the night.

Anti plopped himself next to you, and put your arm around you.

"Fun night right?" He asked, making small talk.

"Yeah." You knew things were a little awkward. You tried to think of something to put the situation back to normal.

"I'm gonna go shower." You said.

"Okay. Be back in my room soon." He winked.

"I will." You smiled. You turned around and bit your lip as you walked up the stairs. You heard Anti giggle.

You walked into the shower, and immediately realized....that you have never done it before. You were nervous, you didn't know how to act. All you could think about was how bad you'll probably be.

I'm sure you'll be fine. If it makes you feel any better, I'm out of practice.

This did not make you feel better. 'Out of practice' at least meant that he's done it before. You've never done it at all.

Don't worry about it. You'll be okay.

You got out of the shower, after washing your whole body, and shaving your legs and underarms. You didn't know what to wear, so you just put on the party dress. You were sure it would be fine, since you weren't gonna be wearing clothes for that much longer anyway. You walked back into Anti's room. He was sitting on the bed. His legs were wide open, one of them lifted up and bent at the knee, his arm resting on it.

"Hello." You said bashfully.

"Just come here and stop trying to make small talk." He said. He lifted one finger, and gestured you to move towards him. You did as your told.

You sat next to him, and you looked away briefly. He grabbed your chin and moved your head to have you look at him.

"You look beautiful when your nervous lass." He said as he pulled you into a passionate kiss to start things up. Here it goes...

He pulled away. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." You smiled a little.

"Okay." He shoved you down onto your back on the bed. You laughed again.

"Wow...You said you've never done this, but you know exactly what I like." He said, biting his lip again.

"I do?" You asked.

"You do. Especially when you don't know that your turning me on." He kissed you again. You smiled when he let go to catch his breath.

He quickly sat up, unbuttoned his shirt, and threw it onto the ground. You sat up to take off the party dress, but he stopped you.

"Why'd you stop me?" You said catching your breath.

He whispered into your ear. "Can I do it?" He asked.

You looked at him shocked, but you nodded your head on agreement. "Please." You said.

Then he looked shocked at you, shocked that you agreed.

"Why wouldn't I agree?" You said. You stood up, and opened your arms, mocking him.

He stood up, and hugged you. You felt him unzip the dress, and pull the straps down your arms. He let go, and the dress fell to your ankles. All you had was a bra, underwear, and heels on as you stepped out of the dress.

He glanced all over your body, and rubbed your arms. You glanced at his chest, and you traced his abs with your finger. He unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned his jeans. He pushed you onto the bed. He crawled onto you.

Then, out of nowhere, you grabbed him by the shoulders, and flipped him over.

"Wow...that's unexpected." He said.

"Shhhhh..." You said putting your finger on his lips to shut him up. "No talking. Mind...only." You didn't want to worry about having to catch your breath to talk. Just talking in each other's mind is easier.

Whatever you say lass.

Did I ever mention that I love it when you call me that? You asked as you kissed his neck.

No. I don't believe you haven't. You then got an idea of your own, but didn't know if it would work.

Ow...are you...biting MY neck? You were.

Maybe...He flipped you over onto your back once more.

Only allowed to do that. He said seductively. He then bit your neck, and drew blood. You didn't feel a thing. He was healing you at the same time.

Close your eyes.

Whatever you say.

You did as you were told and closed your eyes. Was it happening? It was. The only way you could tell, was you heard the riffling of cloth, and heard a jingle hit the floor.

You put your legs down dtraigtb as you lay on the bed. You felt hands glide up to your lower waist. It really IS happening.

You can stop me anytime. I may have to try hard to stop, but I can. Are you sure you want to do this?

I can do my best.

Alright. Keep your eyes closed.

You closed your eyes tighter than before. He picked you up by the waist, and pulled you in for a close hug. He was fiddling around with the hook on the back of your bra. He finally undid it, and threw it on the ground with the rest of the clothes.

He pushed you back down, and wrapped his fingers around the waistband of your underwear.

It's happening.

I know, and I think I'm ready.

You felt him pull down your underwear, and you were hit with a nervous feeling.

I know your nervous. Just calm down.


You You felt something enter your body, at first slow. Then it gained up the pace.

The two of you moaned and groaned until you finally spoke aloud.

"Anti...I..." You could barely gain enough breath.

"F..." You couldn't gain nearly enough breath.

Faster. You said.

Whatever you say.

He did what you asked, which was not expected.

Quite a few minutes later, the both of you had finished. He had rolled off of you, and lay next to you. The both of you were breathing heavier than heavy. You were tired, you could barely keep your eyes open.

Neither of you could talk. You were too busy on trying to breathe.

Did you enjoy the night? I hope you did.

I...I did actually. Was I...

You were great. And I?

I think your nuts when you say 'Out of practice'. You laughed.

The both of you fell asleep. And guess what? No nightmare. Just happy thoughts, and a happy memory that will be in your mind forever.

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