The New Demon

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Anti opened the door wide open. You saw another demon. How could you tell? His eyes were red and he had a three coloured shadow behind him; red, green, and blue.

"Dark! Welcome." Said Anti.

Oh god, it's Darkiplier. You can't believe that they were both real. But, one thing still, wasn't clear. Anti said he took over Jack's body, but you don't believe that. Where were the real Jack and Mark?

"Hello." Said Dark. His voice was deep, and intimidating. His hair was messier as Anti's, and was hanging in front of his eyes that had a little bit of eyeliner on. He wore a grey suit, with a red tie. He looked over at you.

"Hello, darling." His voice was soft to you. "Anti, is this-" He was cut off.

"Just a friend of mine!" He said with anger.

Just go with it, and anything I tell you. He told you.


You started to speak to Dark. "Hello Darkiplier. I'm-" He cut you off.

"I know who you are. Y/N. You have such a beautiful name. And please," he walked in front of you and grabbed your arm to take your hand. "Call me Dark. Charmed." He kissed your hand like you were a princess. Anti got defensive.

"Actually, she's more than a friend. She's my girlfriend." He grabbed my arm, pulling me too him. He kissed my cheek.

"Oh, good." Dark said.

"Well, shall we start making dinner then?" Anti asked.

"Yes, we shall." Answered Dark. He grabbed Anti by his arm, and pulled him into the kitchen.

"Y/N, you can watch a movie in the living room if your like." Said Anti. He became a little more professional when Dark arrived.

"Okay." You looked over at the pile of movies and chose one of the Avengers movies.


Dark pulled me into the kitchen.

"Ow!" Could you loosen your grip or no?" I said quietly. I tried not to have Y/N listen in.

"Is this the girl you've been after for 3 years?" Dark whispered.

"It'd be appreciated if you didn't mention anything to her. I would like her to not think I'm a complete stalker!" I whisper yelled.

"Well, what have you done to her?" He asked.

"Nothing! She fell. And we got into a car accident one night." I explained.

"Oh really? So it's been more than a couple nights with her?" Dark asked with a smirk.

"Ok, fine! Just don't mention anything about the past 3 years! Got it?" I grabbed his suit by the collar and slammed him against the wall out of anger.

"Is everything alright in there?" I heard Y/N ask from the living room.

"Everything's fine lassy! Just...accidentally pushed Dark trying to get to the cupboard." I lied to her.

"Okay." She answered.

I turned back to Dark and got as close to his face as I could.

"I swear, if you say ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING about it, I will personally, cut your head off, and feed it to the tigers at the zoo!" I loudly whispered.

"Okay, okay!" He said. "I won't say anything." I've never had a major feeling of dread in my body, but today was different.

I've already been nervous all day. I know Dark like nobody else. I know he'll try to get with Y/N. He always charming to any girl he meets, and they immediately fall for him. I've seen it.

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