The Day When No Pain Was Inflicted

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Anti lead you upstairs and set you down on the couch in the corner. He held your hand tightly, like you would slip away from his grip at anytime.

"Y/N?" He asked.

"Yes?" You replied.

"Don't ever make me have to do that, again." He pointed to your back.

You cranked your neck around to look at your back as much as possible. The pain was unbearable, you had no idea how you were gonna shower. Then, there goes some of the dignity you need to sacrifice. You had no shirt on, just a bra.

"Oh...uhh." You felt extremely awkward.

"I'll go get you a light shirt. Stay here, and don't move." He said, lightly letting go of your hand.

He went upstairs, and you did as your told. You didn't move an inch. He came back down with an over-sized white t-shirt.

"Thank you." You said as you put the shirt on. "Thank you for picking out a light shirt as well."

"I picked that one so it wouldn't touch the scars on your back, among other reasons." He stared at your chest. The shirt he gave you was kind of see-through.

There goes some more dignity. You tried not to show it, and you just smiled and looked down.

"I'm sure I'll live, having a see-through shirt for one day." You said with a laugh.

"Today is an interesting day my dear." Anti said.

"Why's that?" You asked.

"It's been about enough time for Jack to upload a video on his channel, saying that he's alright, and I'm no longer back. But since how he's not, I'm gonna make the video. And your gonna help me!"

"What type of video is it?" You asked with suspicion.

"Just a truth or dare video. I need to tweet this on his account do people can know and ask questions." He answered. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna have you to do much, just read the questions."

He went upstairs, and you followed him to an office/recording area. It was padded with black foam, and the only thing on the wall was Jack's white boardHe went to the computer, and went to Twitter.

"Hey guys!" He said as he typed. "I'm doing a truth or dare video. The friend I'll have helping is a girl, but she's not my girlfriend. I hope you guys are excited. See you soon!" He hit enter.

"There. Now we wait." He turned around and looked at you. "The bottom half of you won't be seen, so just wash your face and you'll be fine." He said, walking back downstairs.

You went into the bathroom and washed your face off. It was almost time to record.

"Come on Y/N!" He yelled from the office.

"Coming!" You yelled back. You walked inside of the office.

"Ready?" He asked.

"I guess. How ready can I be for this? I don't even have my own channel! I've never done this before."

"You'll be great! Just be yourself." He said while changing into Jack. You gave him a look that said 'Really bruh? Really?'

"What? I have to change into actual Jack!" He was right. I doubt his fans would think that Anti was gone when they see a man with blood stains on his neck, recording a video.

He hit record on the camera, synced the audio, and everything else.

"3, 2, 1!" He said before he clapped. You giggled.

Dark Corners (Antisepticeye X Reader Fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin