no more lies

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Naceur opens the door after Sierra shuts it she starts freaking out and matt comes out of no where and grabs her and sees Naceur
Matt:what's going on?
Sierra:I don't wanna talk about (she starts to walk off but matt grabs her and pulls her back)
Matt: SIERRA stop come on you're like my lil sister and this kid is a faggot now what's going on
Naceur: I want the truth
Matt:you want the truth ?
Matt:Fine with what?
Sierra:thanks matt
Matt:no problem the idiot of the kid wants the truth he'll get the truth
Naceur:everything with u and Sierra in the past
Matt:everything ?
Matt:ok we'll in 2014 my dad was looking for dances for my concert thingy and we came across the haschak sisters so we met in December 2014 and then in like March 2015 or something we got together again and made a cover to lips are moving and the girls started to travel to Atlanta a lot (they still lived in Cali ) and etc we were friends and etc so we did concerts and covers that's it and in 2016 we made a collab YouTube channel funniflix the girls still lived in Cali but we were closer in like June 2016 me and the girls were super close like sister and brother me and Sierra got shipped together as mattierra or mierra and we did videos to make the fans happy and etc then we actually started getting feels for eachother then we dated we broke up then I i was also shipped with Gracie is mattice and macie we 'dating' as in acting
And now we r here I'm dating Kate sierras like my lil sister not as close as we use to be but I'll still hurt anyone that'll hurt her
That's it!

Naceur:so y won't you Sierra let me in ,what'd did matt do?
Matt:da fuck! Take a seat and sit down kid,question me🤨getout!
Naceur:ok bye
Naceur leaves
Matt:Sierra y won't u tell him how u feel
Sierra:because I've only met him a few times and would like to get to know him better
Matt:then do that
Matt:anyways I gtg to Kate cya (kisses her on the forehead and then they hug)

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