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Matt's pov:so I woke up to see Gracie at the end of my bed smiling

Matt:um what r u doing?
Gracie:you're going to California
Matt:ffs (puts his head on the pillow )
Gracie:get up and pack

Gracie's pov:well this should be interesting I have a camera on sierras bracelet that she doesn't know about

Sierras POV:so I'm packing and etc apparently we r going to be down there for 2 weeks just me and the person I'm not talking to at the moment anyways this is what I'm wearing

Sierras POV:so I'm packing and etc apparently we r going to be down there for 2 weeks just me and the person I'm not talking to at the moment anyways this is what I'm wearing

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Now I've finished packing it's time for me to go eat brekkie

Matt's pov:so we r gonna be down there for 2weeks and I've just finished packing I'm going to the girls house now

Matt arrives and looks at Sierra and put his head down and said
Matt:I'm only doing this because I got told I had to
Sierra:finally we can agree on something (laughs)

Matt's pov :the whole way down I sat next to Sierra didn't say anything and dam when she laughed before I miss that
So we r just arriving in California now

Matt:nope screw this i can't stop talking to the person that makes me the happiest the most
Sierra:oh but I can (laughs )(runs down to the beach turns to matt and runs again)
Matt:oh I see how this is (runs after her)
Matt gets to Sierra pushing her to the ground
Matt:well that was fun
Sierra:I miss talking to u
Matt:yeah me too
Sierra:I'm happy Gracie did this
Matt:me too
Matt:want to go get a photo shoot done at this beach why we r here
Sierra:yeah sure
Matt:ok but first ice cream
Sierra:hahaha definitely
Matt:let's go
Matt:wait hold up your dirty
Sierra:wait what no

Matt smiles ,swings Sierra over his shoulders and runs into the beach
Matt :should be clean now
Sierra:(laughs) your the bestest person I can have in my life
Matt:so u can Naceur dating
Sierra:not yet
Matt:if he ever hurts u imma hurt him
Sierra:ik (laughs)
Matt:what ever he does to u imma do to him
Sierra:oh gosh
Sierra:tag your it
Matt:nah tag your it
Sierra:I feel like I'm in year 1 again
Sierra:but it feels great
Matt:yeah because I'm talking to u again
Sierra:I was gonna say that

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