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Matt's pov:I enjoy kissing Sierra and etc but I miss us just being friends like I love her, her kisses, her laugh, her smile, her dares, her roasts but I mean we can still do all that well the kisses like we can kiss each other on the cheek

Sierra's pov:ik matt's thinking the same thing as I am as he kisses me... Because Idk it's more passionate 😂
I love Matt but Idk I miss being best friends and best friends basically do everything as we already do apart from the kissing
(Matt stops kissing her and than hugs her so tight then kisses her on the head)
(Sierra looks up and gazes at his eyes)

Matt: oh geez your so beautiful
Sierra:what? Thank u
Matt:what (blushes) I said that out loud? 😂😳
Matt: oh well it's true.... Um anyway hey I need a talk to u about our relationship
Sierra:u miss being best friends yeah me too
(they snuggle up again)
Sierras pov:So yes just to clarify me and Matt aren't dating any more we both miss how we used to be!
Matt's pov:tbh I want both..... A friendship and a relationship with Sierra

(the movie finishes)

Blake:ugh why r you's hugging like you r best friends or something
Matt:because we r
Blake :ugh dude that's weird to be best friends with your Gf
Matt:we aren't dating
(he kisses Sierra on the head why she's sleeping)
Blake :what the heck like 2 hours ago you's were in separable
Matt:ik that was the problem
(Sierra wakes up)
Sierra:we both miss being best friends
Sierra:we miss hanging out with our friends so it's a friend group
Blake :you's already did that smh
Matt:your acting like your more hurt then we are
Blake :because you's were like the cutest couple out there
Sierra: oh well
Matt:maybe u and Sierra can date now that'll be cute
Blake :no wtf she's your girl
Sierra:and maybe Matt u and ivey can date
Matt: hell no

Matt and Sierra lifestyle Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora