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Devins POV:the heck just happen to me ,idk I think it might be because I
haven't seen Sierra for ages and Idk probably jealous the way Matt and her acts like best friends 😑😑and ive been her best friend since we were 2😤😠

Sierras POV:matt and Justin are mucking around and talking about all girls in this area is hot or whatever they r saying and talking about how they r like just the best best friends ever when they r definitely not ,and then Blake is just like sitting there looking lonely so😞so imma go talk to Blake

Blake's POV:hmm every time I'm just with Justin or Matt they say oh yeah we r best friends but like you and the other boys r too but yeah hmmm so liv came up to me and then Sierra idk company by both of their girls that should make them jealous

(Matt turns around and frowns )
Matt:Sierra what r u doing ?🤔
Sierra:oh hey Matt
Liv:you's r leaving Blake out 🤨
Sierra:yeah how about you boys all hangout and then me and liv go find Devin and I introduce them
Blake:liv devins crazy I wouldn't
Justin :da fuck
Matt:y r u seeing her for 😂
Sierra:because Matt um idk she's like my best friend😑😡
Matt:yeah whatever u go talk to her
Sierra:hmm maybe I will😤
Liv:Sierra I'm stay here
Sierra :yep bye

Sierras POV: hmm so I was walking around Disney land and then I found Devin just sitting by herself that's unusual

Devins POV:Sierra was by her self that's unusual ,what has changed since last time I seen her she use to be so happy and always smiling never sad or MAD ,why tf is Sierra mad

Sierras POV:as I was walking over Devin looked just lonely and then as I got closer she end up looking mad ,what has happen since last time I seen her ,she use to be happy smiley and always by my side

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