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Madison pov :So Sierra's birthday was the other week, and Christmas is only around the corner like just over 30 days away and i need to buy people stuff.... Starting with Olivia

Madison : Olivia what do u want from Christmas?
Olivia : I want a boyfriend
Madison :umm dumb kid
Matt:well to bad little girl your caught up in the friend zone caught up in the friendzone
Gracie :wtf (where's the food)

Matt:ik what I'm getting Sierra for Christmas, eggs 😂😂
Gracie :I'm getting her these cool as shirts I like
Olivia :I'm getting her chocolate
Madison :I'm getting her, this jumper
Matt:nah I'm getting her some cool shoes so she gets some style in shoes 😂
Justin :I'm getting myself a dinosaur
Matt:your a Idiot
Justin:no one ever buys me things for  Christmas
Matt:bull I bought u js last year 😑

Olivia :I want food
Gracie :no your fat
Olivia :and your ugly
Gracie :Nd your stupid
Olivia :and I'm pretty
Gracie :yeah ik I am
(Sierra runs in)
Sierra:goooooooo Gracie!
Sierra: Olivia did u say your pretty? 😂😂stop being so delusional 😂
(Madison enters....)
Madison :stop being children (pushes them apart from each other)
Jojo *rare*:hey guys I want Matt for Christmas
Matt: um no
Justin : oh hell no (squeals) matt's mine (pulls a creepy face)

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