Start Of The Movie

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Madisons pov:
We r back home now and Sierra and Gracie is getting their hair straightened while me and Olivia Is just going for the messy look
Can't wait for the movie I usually hate horror movies but meh

Gracies pov:
I know Sierra likes matt so I straighten her hair then im going make them sit together so they end up dating
I must fill Olivia in on my idea

Olivia's pov:
Gracie told me her idea, it was awesome! I think matt and Sierra would make a good couple, he's tall she's short.... See perfect

Matt's pov:I'm not a big fan of horror movies but neither as Sierra so hopefully we can get closer tonight

Sierra's pov:so we arrived at Matt's house and Justin was there smiling at me weirdly
And then matt came out of no where wearing a pretty fine outfit

Madison :what movie we watching
Matt:nah I was thinking of the nun?
Sierra :the nun??
Olivia:it's a new movie
Justin:she's like u
Sierra:really u saying I'm scary?
Matt:let's go

Matt's pov: 'let's go' I said as I put my arm around Sierra trying to hint I like her but she didn't even notice

Sierra's pov :so the movies starting and when we were walking up here matt put his arm around me idk y but yeah so I'm sitting next to matt, I hope I don't get scared and hug him

Gracie, Olivia and Matt's pov:I hope she gets scared and jump while hug me/matt
That'll be epic

Justin:so um Sierra who do u like
Sierra :no one in this room
*matt glances at Justin with a annoyed look*
Matt:shut up the movies beginning
Madison:I don't think he was talking about u
Gracie:yeah me too😂
Olivia:what's so funny
Matt :yeah I was talking about the idiot next to her

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