
148 5 3

14th November

Matt's pov :it's Sierra's birthday so I have to make this date extra special.... I mean she's with her best friend and her boyfriend on a date so yeah
But first imma wake her up with breakfast, bacon and eggs and little extra... A hot chocolate with 2 marshmallows
A banana and grapes and ofc a napkin

(Matt walks in to her bedroom)
Matt:hey baby girl I bought u a little something to start your day off (kisses her on the head)
Sierra:awwwe thanks Matt
(20 mins later Sierra and liv r getting ready, Justin and Matt is getting ready)

(Sierra and liv)
Liv:do I look fa.... (Sierra cuts off)
Sierra:fabulous? Yes you look beautiful
Liv:yeah I was was going to say that
Liv: oi show me
(Sierra turns around, liv drops her jaw)
Liv:you look beautiful
Liv: oh my.... Your hair I'm jealous
Sierra:thanks liv

(Matt and Justin)

Matt:just wear your rip jeans
Justin:how I look (pulls a creepy face)
(Sierra and liv walk in)
Matt:beautiful you look beautiful
Justin:ugh Matt, u ok? 😂
Matt:not u, her
Liv:I told her she looked beautiful too
Justin: is that matt's hoodie in your hands?
Sierra:ummm yes, I kinda like stole it
Matt:ugh no that's my favourite hoodie
Sierra:mine now
Justin:liv u smell like bubblegum
Liv:I was going to say the same about u
Matt: oh geez
Sierra: oh gosh
(matt's puts his arm around Sierra)
Matt:hey Sierra ugh um come look at my shoe collection and decide what I should wear tonight (winks)
Sierra: oh yes, I need some too
Justin:matt u already got your shoes
(Matt walks off and then winks to Justin)
(Justin whispers I hate u to then I love u to Matt)
(matt's whispers it back to him)

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