You really are them

Start from the beginning

The footsteps behind me increase their speed as well. I glanced behind me and saw a police officer chasing me. I noticed he was unarmed, probably why he didn't shoot me yet. Non the less I still ran and he still chased me.

Ahead a saw there was a dead end. I began to to panic. I couldn't see an out anywhere. Was this the end for me? And after I had survived for so long. Was it over already?

I heard a gun shot and was struck with confusion. I didn't see a gun anywhere on him. What caused the noise. I slowed down and heard nothing but the fading echo of the gun shot through the heavy air.

I came to a stop and looked behind me and saw the officer lying dead on the floor. I walked over to the body and then looked around for the killer but there was no one there. I was alone again. I didn't know what to think.

Should I worry? Should I be thankful? Should I run? Should I stay? I didn't know, there was conflict clouding my mind making me unable to think. I gave another quick looked left to right but still no one showed.

I turned on my heel but was take aback when I saw a group of men in front of me. One holding a gun which I guess was the one he used to kill the officer. I quickly counted them and counted seven. Was this them? The famous Clan?

"Are...are you Monsta X?" I stuttered out as I looked to each one. They just stared at me. Well at least the rumours were true, they were all very handsome. But one thing questioned in my head, why did they save me? "You...are aren't you"

"What if we are?" One with almost white hair said as he took a step close to me causing my to take a step back. He was pushed back by someone who had white blonde hair.

"Nothing! I just...I just wanted to know if it's true. That you are them" I said as I looked down.

"We are" one said, I looked up "we're not going to hurt you" he was the one with black hair who stood at the front.

"Why...why did you save me?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Why did we save you? You could've saved yourself, we just helped you out" said the one with white hair.

"What do you mean? I couldn't do anything? I was going to get kill if you didn't stop him" I explained

"Maybe so, but now we'll never know" said the another with black hair with a deepish voice. The blurring of a helicopter was heard coming closer to us.

"Come with us" said the one wearing a black shirt with thin eyes as he walked closer to me and held out his hand "we will keep you safe" he said.

I looked at him and my heart fluttered. He was quite amazing looking. I took his hand and he immediately grabbed it and gave me a soft reassuring smile.

"Guys, lets head out" said the one holding the gun as he put it in his belt.

"Right" the other said. Soon I found myself running along with the seven boys as we went to a place in the city I had never been before. It was a dark place hidden through an alley way, no wonder no one could ever find them.

They took me to a small building with the windows boarded up with a black 'X' sprat painted on each one and an empty door way that they pulled me through. The room I first saw was empty with a giant puddle of water in the centre, in fact the entire room was damp.

The air felt different, it felt clean and refreshing. I was then pulled from the room to the right through to a different room. This was was more full and lit with candles. There were seven different blankets on the floor with pillows at the top of each one.

I noticed there was an upstairs as well. I wondered what was up there. It was dark and I couldn't see up the stone stair case. My hand was released and it suddenly felt cold. I looked to the man who was holding my hand and he gave me another soft smile.

The Clan (Jooheon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now