Chapter 3 part 1/10 - Illyria

Start from the beginning

Taokaka bumps into Sabrina's back, causing her to lose some balance and fell.
"Um...excuse me?"

Sabrina felt something soft, yet warm on her right hand, as she squishes it a couple of times, making a weird sound... "Ple...Please get off of me!"

She opens her eyes as she realises...her right hand is in someone's right breast and people are looking at her, "Oh shit!" Sabrina swore as she let's goes of that woman's breast and quickly gets up, "Oh Arceus! I'm so, so, so sorry!"
"That...that is okay," The woman forgave her as she gets up herself.

The woman is a tall, young and attractive Asian woman with long black hair, pink eyes, pink lipstick, and large breasts. On top of her hair is a panda hairclip that keeps her hair in a bun. She wears a stylish Chinese doctor uniform with long white sleeves, a yin and yang brooch ribbon, a red vest, and a skirt dress that exposes her thighs.
"BOOBIE LADY!!!" Taokaka called out as she jumps on the woman and starts hugging her, "Hey boobie lady, did you make any more of those delicious meat buns!?"
"Tao! Well...I..."
"Arceus damn it, Tao!" Ragna yelled as he walks grumpily and grabs Tao by the collar away from the woman, "How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to run off like that!?"
"But I just want to have fun, meow..." Tao complained.
"Yeah yeah, well we don't have time to play at the moment, understand Tao?"
"Ragna? Is that you?" The woman asked as she recognises the white-haired bounty hunter.
"Huh? Is that you Litchi?" Ragna recognised her.
"That's me."

Then, everyone manages to catch up with them, as they spot Ragna carrying Tao by the collar, the raven-haired woman and Sabrina looking at her right hand in pure embarrassment.


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"Umm...Sabrina, are you okay?" Peach asked her daughter.
"...Yeah...I'm...I'm fine." Sabrina whispered.
"...Mama mia, what happens here?" Mario asked in curiosity.
"...You don't want to know, King Mario." Litchi told him.
"I see." Mario sweatdrops.

"Grrr..." Amy growled unusually, which Lambda notices with the hedgehog's angry expression.
"Analysis; Amy Rose seem upset. Cause; unknown." Lambda stats out.
"Wha!? I am NOT angry!" Amy lied to her.
"Sure, you're not," Ragna says sarcastically.
"OI!" Amy told him off, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
"Don't say that to my son," Peach tells her off, "I'm sure he means it as a joke."
"Grrr..." Amy growled again.
"I know how you feel," Luna sympathised with her quietly,
"Umm...thanks I guess..." Amy responded unsurely.

"Umm...hi...hi miss Litchi," Bang greeted her nervously with his cheeks slightly reddish, " are you?"
"Oh, Bang, is that you?" Litchi asked in shock, "Wow, I can't believe you're here."

Litchi walks up to Bang and hugs him as she wraps her arms around his neck and rests her chin on his right shoulder, making his face even redder, which made Luna, Amy, Starlow and Ragna chuckle, completely aware what he is feeling right now.
"Wha...WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT FOR?!" Bang asked loudly, which made Litchi let go of him out of fear, "Oh Arceus, I'm so sorry Miss Litchi! I didn't mean to scare you!"
"Geez...when are you NOT loud, you bumbling idiot?" Kokonoe asked as she puts both of her hands on her human ears while Tager put his massive hands on her cat ears.
"Oh, um...sorry." Bang apologised as he rubs the back of his head.
"Reminder; shouldn't be we be going to King Kishe?" Lambda reminded everyone, which caught everyone off guard.
"Oh shit, she's right." Sabrina realised as well.
"We should get going, Miss Kokonoe," Tager reminded the pink catgirl.
"Yes, now we should go." E.Gadd pointed out. "Besides, it would be really nice to ask about the Holy war, Gears and such from the hero who ended that war in the first place."
"In that case, let's go." Mario pointed out as everyone follows him.

Bang turns his head around and notices Litchi is following them, which he asks; "Why are you following us, Miss Litchi?"
"Well, why not?" Litchi responded, "Besides, if the royal family of the Mushroom Kingdom and king of Sarasaland is involve, then it must be important, not only that, but I want to assist your team since you guys don't seem to have anyone who knows any medical knowledge and I'm a doctor, so I'm sure I would be some use."
"'s very dangerous though," Bang told her with concern, "I don't see you get hurt, Miss Litchi."
"Oh don't worry, I have my trusty Bo-stuff after all and I did practice some martial arts, so I can perfectly defend myself," Litchi told him, "Also, you really don't need to call me miss, after all, we knew each other when we were both twelve years old, remember?"
"...Of...of course, sorry," Bang sighed, "It's just a habit of mine."
"Ha, ha, ha, I know." Litchi giggled as she walks away to follow others.
"HEY WAIT FOR ME!!!" Bang shouted out as he chases after the others.

As the group walk through the street, people around them start having a conversation with each other.
"Is that Bloodedge?"
"Seriously? What is he doing with the royal Toadstool family," An older woman asked, "Not only that, what are the royal family THEMSELVES doing here?"
"Maybe Bloodedge was hired to be their bodyguard."
"...Most likely."

"My liege," Baiken whispered to Ragna, "They think you're their bodyguard, do you want me to do something about it."
"Nah, just leave them," Ragna told her quietly, "Also, don't call me liege, just Ragna or Bloodedge is fine."
"Very well, milord."
"Look, milord, this place must be the castle." Baiken pointed out as Ragna looks up.
"Geez, I already know that captain obvious," Ragna responded, "Besides I saw it a couple of times during my career," ("But I never have seen the insides of it though, that I will admit.")

The group stands in front of a bridge with a red carpet, but what stands out is it's the castle, which is very massive with its long brick-made structure with two circles that look like giant clocks, except they don't have the numbers and the arrows, and at the very top is the angelic wings made of stone.
"Hey umm, Peach," Mario called out to his tall wife.
"Hmm, yes?"
"What is Ky like?" Mario asked her.
"Oh! Well, he is quite a gentleman who enjoys a good tea, so naturally we get along quite well," She told him, "But he isn't my type though; way too young for me now and besides, while he may be the hero of Holy war, I only have one hero, who happens to be you, Mario."
"Aww, shucks," Mario smiled shyly, "Thanks-a-lot, Peachy."
"HEY! Mum, dad!" Sabrina called out to her parents, who happen to be steps away from them, "Hurry up already! You're behind us!"
"Oh! My bad, Bambina!" Mario responded back loudly.

Mario and Peach run up to the group, who, as Sabrina just said, far away from the group. As they are about to enter, there are two white-armoured knights block the entrance with their wooden spears.
"Sorry, but the entrance is forbidden to the general public." One of the knights told them off.
"Hey! Do you know who you talking to, pal!?" Sabrina asked them aggressively.
"Sabrina, calm your ass down," Ragna told off his younger sister, "They're not worth getting mad at that."
"Um, excuse me,"

The guards look behind the group and notice Queen Peach, which they stand up straight and yells out, "QUEEN PEACH!"
"Umm, hello there," Peach greeted them formally, "Can I speak with King Kishe, please?"
"Why, of course, your majesty," The guard bows down politely and they get up as one of them took out an I-phone device where a blue screen appears with a white loading screen.

A/N - See you in the next part my ninjas and kunoichis! Kuno out!

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