Chapter 2 Part 8/11 - Sneaky heroes

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A/N: I DON'T OWN THESE CHARACTERS AT ALL. ONLY A FEW MAIN OCS AND THE REST ARE JUST BACKGROUND CHARACTERS OR MINOR CHARACTERS. WARNING! - Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi (Though, one of them is very one-sided). Enjoy my fellow ninjas and kunoichis.

(Meanwhile inside of Dr Nefarious' spaceship)
Two robots standing guard of a big door. One robot yawns and it's green screen slowly shut down, which the other robot notices it, walks up to it and shakes the robot violently. "Jerry! Wake up!"

"Wha...? What, what, what?"The tired robot named Jerry repeats tiredly and saw the other robot. "Oh...hey...Mikey..."

Then, Jerry shuts down completely, which made Mikey became fully panicky. "Oh, Arceus! If Dr Nefarious sees him like this, he will be very, VERY angry!"

As Mikey tries to wake up Jerry, he heard an odd noise from the corner and saw a metal gear rolling around until it fell flat on the ground. "What the...?" The guard walks over to that corner as he gets a closer look...

Suddenly, he got hit by a wrench and the attacker stepped on his stomach, grabs the wrench and stabs him in the upper chest, shutting him down permanently... " let's take down the other guard." The attacker spoke to someone else, who revealed to be a small silver-made robot with big emerald green eyes.
"I quite agree with you, Ratchet." The robot nodded.

The attacker named Ratchet reveals to be a short, lanky cat-like creature wearing black armour with mini spikes on his shoulders armour, orange chest screen, black claws and orange lens. Ratchet puts his wrench back on his sash and the duo runs up to the other guard. "He's sleeping, Clank." Ratchet whispered to the small robot named Clank.
"We should use that to our advantage."
"Already on it." Ratchet said as he whacks another robot with his wrench, waking him up.

"WHAT THE-" Jerry burst out as Ratchet finishes him off by stabs him in the head with his wrench.
"Clank, hack into the system." Ratchet told the small robot.
"Why, of course, Ratchet." Clank nodded as he walks up to the wall and opens a cover underneath the handprint scanner, revealing a mini screen. Clank's eyes turn blue as he scans the screen.
"So, when will it be fin-"
"it's finished."
"Well, that was fast," The cat-like creature walks up to Clank as the door is opening on its own. "Good job, Clank. Now we can steal some shit from Dr Nefarious."
"Why thank you, Ratchet, let's us move on."

The duo enters the room with a bunch of jail cells with green futuristic walls. As they walk through the hall, they both heard some noises. "Umm...did you hear something?" Ratchet asked.
"It must be a prisoner here," Clank guessed, "We should look for them for clues if they know anything."
"Good idea."

As they continue the search, Ratchet checks one cell and saw a certain someone... "Clank! Look, I found the prisoner here."
"Oh, I'll be right there!"

Ratchet took a yellow and black weapon with a long nozzle. He pulls out a string, activating the weapon to breathe out fire, melting the metal down. He stops the weapon and puts it away as Clank runs up to him and the two walks to the prisoner. The redheaded woman, who is tied up in a rope and has a tape on her mouth, became frightened a bit until the two came up to her and starts to untie the rope around her. The woman tries to say something, but couldn't due to the tape, so Ratchet grabs the tape and took it off gently.
"..." The yellow-dressed middle-aged woman took a deep breath as she shakes her head, "Thanks for saving my ass back there."
"You are welcome, ma'am," Clank said until he notices the woman is glaring at him, "...Is something the matter?"
"Don't call me ma'am," The woman told him off, "My name is Daisy!"
"Oops, sorry ma-I mean, Daisy." Clank apologised.
"Much better." Daisy said as she stands up and swipes some dust off of her dress, "By the way, who are you guys?"
"Why my name is Clank and this is my best friend, Ratchet." Clank introduced himself and Ratchet.
"Hi." The cat-like creature said to Daisy.

" look a bit suspicious..." Daisy said to Ratchet, "Take off your helmet, now! As an order!"
"Alright, if you say so, Bossypants." Ratchet agreed as he took off his helmet as he was told, revealing his yellow fur, his big, emerald green eyes, a brown cat-nose, big cat-like ears with brown strips and a brown cap, making Daisy gasped a bit, "Happy now?"
" Arceus..." Then Daisy suddenly starts squealing, making Ratchet and Clank cover their ears, "YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!"

Daisy squishing his face like a master adoring their dog, making Clank chuckle out of amusement while Ratchet looked very annoyed the fact the middle-aged woman is touching his face. "Umm...Daisy, this is no time to be squealing, we must move on." Clank told Daisy.
"Oh! Oops, sorry," Daisy apologised as she got her hands away from Ratchet's face, as he shakes his head, "I just got a bit of a cuteness overload, that's all."

"...Am I really that cute?" Ratchet smirked a bit.
"Ratchet! This is no time to fantasise ways to get a girlfriend!" Clank told him off.
"..." Ratchet makes a pouty face, looks away and cross his arms.
"Good, now let's go."

A/N And the boys are back! Yep, Ratchet and Clank joined the party! Now cheer my fellow Ratchet & Clank fans! I hope you guys enjoy it, so give a vote, comment and have a nice day, bye my fellow ninjas and kunoichis!

Ratchet and Clank belongs to Insomniac games
Daisy belongs to Nintendo.

(Cancelled/Considering remaking) Heroes of the Azure Vol 1: Truth and IdealsWhere stories live. Discover now