Chapter 1 part 2/9 - The ship

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WARNING! - Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi (Though, one of them is very one-sided and it will appear much later on to the story, not now)

Ps: The characters are mostly will be mostly OOC, but that's because they're basically parallel universe versions of the canon characters that will appear, including two certain OCs who are parallel universes of two canon characters (If you know Blazblue, then you know what I'm referring to), so some of them will be OOC or a bit of it, but there's a reason for it like I explain just recently, so if you complain that one character is OOC or I got their back story wrong, then that's because they're not the same person; same souls and names, but slightly different personality, appearances and back-stories.

Enjoy, Comment, Vote and be nice to me and everyone else in the meantime to let me know to improve and, generally, have a good time. 


Ragna looked at the beautiful midnight blue sky, with sparkling stars all over the sky and the moon being reflected by the ocean blue sea. He sighs as he smiles as he remembers his time back in his original universe, until...

Ragna turned and saw the peach-blond young girl running towards him, who is wearing a long-sleeved, teal-coloured pyjama with white polka dots and white bunny slippers.
"Oh, hey Luna."
"Master, why did you get out of our room?" She asks her white-haired mentor.
"Oh, I just want some peace and quiet, that's all." He told her, where he returns to his stargazing and Luna looks at the sky as well.

" He told her, where he returns to his stargazing and Luna looks at the sky as well

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"Wow...the sky is amazing this night, isn't it?"

"What is the Mushroom Kingdom like?" Luna asked him, "I mean, I never been to that kingdom, then again, I was very isolated until you came into my life..."
"..." Ragna turns away from the sea and cross his arms while still looking at the sky, "The kingdom is very bright and has a happy air to it, the citizens are very nice and cheery, maybe too nice for their own good, and the royal family is the purest-hearted rich family of them all, at least, compare to most wealthy families nowadays."
"Yeah...those stupid selfish rich people only care about themselves and no one else, not even when they begged for my mother..." Luna saddened a bit as her eyes starting to get watery, "I miss my mummy..."

"...I...I know you miss your mum a lot, but I'm sure she wants you to not give up and keep going, no matter how life throws at you, you got to keep going." Ragna told her, which made her dry her tears up and sighs.
"'re right...funny..." Luna laughs forcefully in a rather sad tone, "That's the exact same thing you said to me, in a more aggressive way, when you saved me from those paedophilic assholes, along with the other kids who are being kidnapped and groomed."
"Yeah... that is also when you joined me and Bang to our bounty hunting career." Ragna smiles a bit. "Also, sorry about that, I'm wasn't very good at those cheering up stuff."
"Don't worry, about that, I been through worse, and yeah, there's no way I could forget the way you kill those bastards!" Luna smiles a bit, "You were like, 'die bastards!' and sliced their organs out, also when you said 'there's no such thing as hell, only darkness!' as you chopped that leader's head off like some Grim reaper or something like that, Arceus that was awesome!"

Ragna chuckles a bit and pats Luna's head like an older brother being proud of their younger sibling, "Yeah that was pretty intense I will admit, especially when those guys have guns all over them, thank Arceus that I got my Azure magic by my side."
"Yeah, that was pretty intense, and awesome!"
"Yeah...We should get back before they question what we are doing." Ragna told her, who nodded and the two went back to bed.

"Okay my guests, we are here, wake up!" The blue Toad shouted at the team, who is sleeping in a bedroom he allows them to sleep in.
"Huh...already?" Luna moaned lazily as she gets up from her bed, which happens to be the top of the double bed. Luna accidentally fell from the bed carelessly and fell to her face, "...Ow..."

"TAO'S AWAKE, MEOW!!!" Tao shouted with pure joy, which made everyone jumps out of their beds out of surprise (Except Luna, who is still on the floor).
"OI! Tao, you don't just shout out of nowhere in the middle of the morning!" Starlow told her off.
"Oh, sorry yellow lady, meow." Tao apologised innocently.
"That...doesn't sound very genuine." The talking Raichu criticises her apology.

"Well...where's breakfast, meow!?" Tao asked as she jumps from her bed to in front of Toad, catching him off guard, "Tao demands food, meow!"
"Alright, alright little kitty, we'll get you some food, calm down." Toad told her, which makes her even happier (If that was even possible) and run off so fast that makes even the fastest runner proud. "What an energetic little kaka cat, isn't she?"

"Yeah...she can be pretty tiresome," Ragna told him as he gets out of his bed, only wearing his boxer and a white tank-top.
"Yeah, um, you should wear some clothes, sir." The blue Toad reminded him.
"Oh, shit!" Ragna realised as he starts dressing up in his clothes.

"Well, that was loud," Amy complained as she gets up from the floor as she looks like she drops to the floor again at any moment, with her eyes is getting sleepy.
"Welp, no use for complaining," Starlow told the team.
"You are right, Starlow," Bang agrees, "Now team, lets us go!"

Amy sighs, along with Luna, Carl, Raichu and Ragna. "Fine..." Amy sighs of tiredness.
"We should get going," Carl told her.
"Agree," Luna sighs as she gets up from the floor, "Now, let's get some breakfast."

Everyone gets out of the bedroom, along with Toad who follows them.

  I hope you guys enjoy it, so give a vote, comment and have a nice day, bye my fellow ninjas and kunoichis!
Amy Rose belongs to Sega
Ragna, Bang, Luna, Carl andTaokaka belongs to Arc system works.
Starlow, Toad and Raichu belong to Nintendo.

(Cancelled/Considering remaking) Heroes of the Azure Vol 1: Truth and IdealsWhere stories live. Discover now