✙ Chapter 37 ✙

Start from the beginning

The red-eye leaned back onto his haunches, prepared to attack. But, as he narrowed his red eyes, a wheeze came from him. He started whimpering, opening his large mouth in hope to howl for help. But, before he could, he started gasping for air, dropping to his stomach. His eyes widened while his throat tightened, almost as if somebody was choking him. Though, nobody's hands were on him - instead, my eyes were only focused on his shaking body. There wasn't any oxygen traveling down to his lungs; I was preventing that from happening. Within minutes, his eyes rolled back and his large head fell onto his front paws.

Then, all of a sudden, I was knocked over from behind. I fell forward onto my hands and knees, before rolling back onto my butt, instinctively. I noticed that one of Drew's pack members had tackled a red-eye to the ground who was trying to sneak up on me. I watched as Drew's pack member ripped out the red-eye's throat with an angry snarl, blood splattering onto my face. I flinched and wiped away some of the blood that landed on my eyelids. Drew's pack member crawled off the dead red-eye and faced me, releasing a quiet nose. Slowly, I rose to my feet, oddly feeling as if I knew him.

My eyes widened. "Hulk?"

His large head bobbed up and down in response. I grinned, eyeing his thick, dark brown fur. "Well, I'm surprised - your fur isn't green." He made a deep, annoyed sound, shaking his head. Somehow, I had managed to find humor during a freaking war - I was unbelievable. I glanced towards the red-eye that could've killed me from behind. "But, thank you, seriously." He nodded, then gestured towards the right with his head. I frowned in confusion, but before I was able to ask him what he was gesturing to, he sprinted off past me.

Catching my breath, I hurried towards the right, trusting Hulk - maybe he was trying to point me to Drew. But, as I was sprinting, I was tackled from the side. A small scream escaped my lips when I pummeled to the ground, painfully. Above me, a red-eye was snarling, his mouth close enough to my face for me to smell his terrible breath. Then, as I processed the situation I was in, he dragged his claws down my stomach. I screamed in agony, hearing my blood pumping in my ears. The pain was nearly unbearable - if I hadn't been used to pain, I would've passed out.

The red-eye growled and opened his mouth to chomp on my throat, possibly end me right there. Quickly, I lifted my hand and forced through gritted teeth, "F*ck you." In a blink of an eye, I twisted my wrist and a pleasing snap! filled my ears. When his neck snapped, his body crashed on top of me, taking the breath right out of me. "Holy sh*t," I breathed, slowly trying to maneuver my way out from under the werewolf. The claw marks on my stomach were stinging; thick blood was soaking my shirt. Not only that, but the blood on his thick fur was rubbing off on me.

After scooting out from underneath him, I staggered to my feet, glancing down at the claw marks. They were deep, deep enough for scarring and stitches. I gritted my teeth together, shakily touching one of the claw marks. I flinched and looked around, realizing there wasn't anything for me to do about it at the moment. I was praying in my head that I didn't bleed out - not before I faced Killian. Keep moving, I told myself, holding back the tears. I continued heading towards the right, praying Drew was close.

Drew pecked my forehead. "That's because he doesn't love you like I do."

The memory appeared in my head, the day he confessed his feelings for me. I wasn't able to say anything back; I hadn't been able to love somebody, other than family. But, as I searched for Drew - not sure if he was still alive or not - I realized that I had strong feelings for him. Yes, we fought a lot, but it showed we cared. I was a difficult person, yet he looked past that. Despite my many harsh remarks and several attempts at escaping, he still stuck with me. He never gave up on me because for once, somebody saw the good in me.

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