Only 1 Month

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"I didn't change it." She answered.
"Ariana, yes you did. In your notes it says 'Maybe if i had said i loved you when I knew i did' not just 'those are the times i'll remember'. Tell me why did you change it." I said.
"Shit, I forgot to change it there. Because I didn't like the other one!" She answered me.
"You didn't like the other one? What do you mean you didn't like it, you say like two words that were already written in this one. Sorry but it's a damn shitty bridge! You could not possibly like this one better!" I said demanding more.
"I just..." She couldn't answer.
"Ariana, you think I don't notice this is about us? You wrote about me, I wrote about you. These past 5 days were full of laughter and friendship accompanied with a beautiful song and now you just change the bridge because you're too afraid to say you loved me. Like you were the whole time we had something." I snapped at her.
"Well i'm sorry I wasn't ready! You said it the first time something happened with us and you fell for me way before I fell for you!" She snapped back at me.
"No, that's not true we fell for each other at the same time but you just didn't wanna admit it. You were too afraid." I said.
"And maybe I was right! Because all we had to do was stay in touch for two months and that's it! I'd be right back here with you. And we didn't last a month. Maybe it would have changed everything. We kept missing each other and even if we loved each other it-" I cut her off.
"'It didn't feel real if I wasn't there with you, I got the whole idea." I crossed my arms.
"I thought we were having fun here." She said angered.
"Me too." I replied and an awkward silence followed. Ariana grabbed her purse and her phone and started heading out. "Ari..." I said softly trying to stop her.
"What, Justin? Are you gonna tell me it changes everything now? You're with Selena now. And, hey! Seems like I was the one helping you guys! Happy you found true love!" She said sarcastically.
"What?" I asked referring to the 'helping you guys' part.
"Nothing. Are you gonna tell me you'll leave her? You waited years for her to give you another chance. You're gonna ruin it because now you know I love you?" She asked making me realize.
"Love me? Present?" I asked her.
"Ugh! Will you?!" I stayed silent. "That's what I thought. We tried being apart for a month, it didn't work out, end of story." She finally said.
"At least let me have that in the song." I pleaded after a short, hurting silence for both of us.
"Have what?" She asked. She was clearly confused and annoyed.
"The original bridge." I said.
"Jus..." She said softly again.
"Please, I need it." I insisted.
"Fine, we'll finish tomorrow. I can't keep singing now." She said starting to close the door.
"Ari?" I said.
"Yeah?" She answered.
"You know how deeply I loved you, right?" I asked her.
A tear rolled down her cheek and she nodded. She grabbed the purse she had left down and walked past the door and closed it. A few moments later Selena came back to check on me.
           The End.

I told you guys you weren't gonna like it. Anyways i promise there'll be a continuation story after I publish the one i'm writing. I love you and thanks for your support on this first story i've done. I will miss you for sure.
                Only Love,
                                    Penny Lou🍭

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