Different Directions?

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     We were on the tour bus with Victoria, playing Monopoly and making fun of something Scott did today
      "Have you thought in dating again?" She said cutting the laughter abruptly.
     "Dating... dating... dating. I'll just be with my new puppy Pignoli. Thank you very much." I stated, trying to be funny so the conversation wouldn't go on.
     "Ariana." She looked at me as my mother does when i'm avoiding something. "Do not avoid me. Answer." She said, reaallyy serious, unusual of Vicky.
     "Oh, Victoria. I don't know! You know? Maybe I should try that focusing in myself and my carreer. It could actually be fun. It's been a long time since i've been single. I'll give it a shot." I said, considering it.
    "Are you sure? That's not much like you. But if you think it's a good idea, go for it." She approved, letting her smile get back in.
     "Hey, Ari. Hey, Wifey." Perrie waved, entering the room. Victoria high-fived her. These two became friends really fast.
      "Imma check on Justin. Perrie, you can continue playing as me."
I said while they were laughing about something, left the bus, and closed the door.
      "How is she doing?" I heard Perrie say behind the door.
     Why is everyone so freaking concerned about me? I'm fine!
      I headed to Justin's tour bus.
     "Hey, Jus!" I came in without knocking. I saw him shirtless lying in his bed and listening to music. Oops. Cute abs tho.
      "Oh, hey, Ari. What's up?" He took his earphones off and took a shirt from his backpack.
      "Nothing. Just wanting to check on you. How's the true love thing going?" I asked, hoping not to sound so direct.
      "Pretty well. Have you seen any girl you don't know around here?" He said smiling to me.
      "Well... no, but you know? This isn't only about avoiding flings, Justin. It's also about go find your love, dating. She's not gonna appear at your door, not today, not tomorrow. You have to find her." I told him sitting besides him in the bed before the part of the girl at his door, so it didn't sound insinuating.
      "You're right. Talking about dating, when are you dating again?" He asked me inclining his head like a dog.
      "Oh gosh. You're the second person that asks me this in like, twenty minutes!" I said laughing. He laughed back.
      "I don't mean to be insisting. I care." He said honestly.
      "I know, Jus. I don't know! I'm gonna see about that." Actually, I wasn't sure if I was prepeared to talk about it to him. I don't even know why.
     "See how?" He said laying back in the bed.
     "Um... see at the moment, I guess. Am I prepeared?" I asked hoping he had the right answer for me.
      "Well, that depends on you. Let's try. Do you wanna hang some place tomorrow?"
      DAMN THAT WAS SUBTLE. I was in total shock. I was not. Prepeared. For that. He just kept smiling for me. I couldn't tell if it was a joke, or if he actually meant it. So subtle. Damn. I was just waiting for him to laugh or something.
       "Y-" Nope. I started crying. I almost said yes. But tears and emotions kept running through. Confusing flames of emotions running all arround.
       "Oh no, Ari. I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to." He mumbled.
      "No, Justin. I'm really sorry. I was just saying i'll focus on me, on my career, my fans. I-I just didn't realize i'm not okay, I-I'm not prepeared." I told him, still crying like a baby.
      "It's okay, wanna talk about it?" I actually wanted to talk about it.
       "Yes. I do." My tears were already less. "I keep avoiding it. I do wanna talk about it." I said firmly.
       "Fine, shoot." He said wraping his arms around me.
       "I just didn't see it coming. Jus, I wouldn't have seen it coming in a hundred years! It was all perfect. I loved him. He loved me. One day he told me I was everything for him. And the next... the next he told me our love wasn't enough! I should have seen it. Was he bored?" It hit me. What if just got bored of me?
       "Bored? With you? Ariana, you know that's not true. You know there's much more of you than anyone else already knows. And you're one of the most open people in the world! He did not get bored. I think he couldn't manage to have such a piece of art." He knew how to use words.
      "It was too fast. Everything happened so fast. But, it had to end so fast?" The last tear down my cheek.
     "It wasn't meant to be. He wasn't prepeared for you. Everything you represent." He kissed my forehead.
      "Thank you. I wish he was." I said looking down and lying in his chest.
       "Enough of sad things. Let's go somewhere. Where do you wanna go?" He said standing up.
      "What? Right now? It's 2 am!" I told him
      "Who cares? We got a free day tomorrow. Tell me where you wanna go." His eyes meeting mine.
       "Let's explore Indianapolis! A party or something." I could use the distraction.
      "Look at crazy Ariana! Done. Put on whatever you want." He said smiling
      "Ok, meet me outside my bus."
      "See you." He waved.
      I stopped at the door.
      "You know? I almost said yes. Before the crying thing." I told him without taking my eyes off the door.
      I opened it and headed to my bus.

●● Yeeeess, i finally updated. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting guys! I hate school with all my heart. This chapter was Jariana AF. I have somthing pretty entertaining in mind (not with ari nor justin, but really interesting), but i'm waiting for the story to advance a little more. Thank you for reading!
                 Only Love💞,
                                       Penny Lou👑


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