One Last Time

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"What are you wearing? That's not a tour outfit." I asked Ariana when I saw her wearing an outfit that matched mine.
"I'm doing things my way. I guess this is the least I can do now." She looked down. "Also, I wore this before so I actually made no effort." She looked at me again.
"Okay." I laughed. "Let's pick the songs." I said.
"One Last Time, definitely." She said first with a smile. "Oh and Be Alright!" She said exited.
"Ari, you open with that song." I said trying to make her react.
"So? You can enter with me or something!" She seemed not to care about the show anymore. She wanted to open together and sing a new song which she sings solo.
"Isn't that going to be weird?" I said kinda worried.
"I'll open with Into You, maybe? Kinda the same vive. I really think we should sing Be Alright." She said serious, getting what she wanted.
"Okay, it's your call. What about Life Is Worth The Living?" I asked.
"Nice! Purpose? I understand if it's too personal." I knew she wanted that song so I couldn't say no.
"Every song is personal, we can sing it. Last but not least, Let Me Love You, again? I just love that bop." I said eagerly.
    "Yas! In that order?" Ari asked.
    "I think we both know One Last Time goes last." I laughed.
    "Agree." She laughed with me. "About what we're going to say, we can just improvise, right?"
    "Totally. We got everything?" I asked before someone from the team came and told Ari thry were entering in half an hour.
    "Everything. I'll go get my retouch. See you on stage!" She started walking and waving.
    "See ya." I replied.

    Be alright was about come so I started introducing Justin.
    "Now, please welcome the sweetest person on earth, my dear friend, and a fucking amazing singer, Justin Bieber!" I saw Justin coming up from my right running and we hugged. "You know we've been through some crazy stuff, and yeah, it has been tough, it is tough specially tonight for us." I looked at Justin and hoped my bruise wasn't showing that much. Justin kept his arm around my neck and started talking.
    "So we decided to show you, and ourselves, that it's just gonna be alright, with this song, that as you noticed wasn't the opening one, Be Alright!"
    As we sang Justin kept smiling to me and kissing my head. He also tried to do the choreo which was the best part. Then he started with Life Is Worth The Living, which is my personal favorite from his album, and continued with Purpose. Our voices completed each other's perfectly tonight and the crowd was amazing.
    "This song is one of my favorites, so sing with us!" Let Me Love You started and I started singing with him helping in the chorus. Wayne's part came in and I started dancing around and he started walking around me. Then he went behind me and lifted me up in his shoulders while I screamed. The crowd went crazy and I couldn't contain my laughter.
    "Seriously?" I kept laughing as he spinned. "You're not a ballerina!" I said in the microphone.
    "Shut up!" He put me down and sticked his tongue out to me and then hugged me. We started singing the end of the song. That wasn't such a professional performance.
    "This is the last song we're sining together, and sadly, this is the end of Justin's time in the tour, and we're both really sad, so we're sining One Last Time!" The crowd screamed and we both smiled and held hands as we started singing. I think we looked at each other's eyes the whole song and some tears escaped our eyes. The song ended and we hugged.
    "Bye, Ariana." He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.
    "Take care, Jus! Love ya!" I said as he walked and waved at the crowd. He stopped and smiled at me and then he kept walking. I started running to hug him again and found him surprised. We hugged for 15 seconds and we were both breathing heavily and crying. He kissed me one last time and went. I had the whole show left, and he was going tomorrow. I kept going.

•• Yes! I updated!!!!!! I am sooo damn sorry I just went on a trip and had so many tests and i'm so sorry I promise it won't happen again! I hated the start of this chapter but the end aaaahhhhh. I'll be back soon, I promise!
                                       Only Love,
                                                         Penny Lou🌈

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