The Slime Fic

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((Thanks positivitydaddy for this gem of an idea- I'll link a better explanation in the header^. Excluding his name for privacy, but check his Wattpad account out! On we go!))

Dan had seen Phil run across the hallway at least 3 times, jogging between the kitchen and the storage/gaming area. The clacking of plastic culinary items made for a nervous Dan and he decided to call Phil's name. Once, twice and then thrice before Dan got up, ready to interrogate Phil into peace and quiet again.

Needless to say, he was taken aback. To understand why, you should know that their kitchen is never a mess. Even during baking videos, they make sure to remove the tiniest spec before proceeding. That's why you'd get me when I say the kitchen was a catastrophe. There were three bags of powdered starch, scissored open and left to mist the air with a dusty coating. Phil's liter bottle of contact lens solution lay open on the counter, dripping slowly onto a forming puddle next to his feet. Thankfully, he wasn't wearing socks.

But what really set it high for Dan was not the immense amount of glitter blown about the now fabulous kitchen, not the needless amount of galaxy blue food dye, not even the utensils he went through that will need to be thoroughly washed. No, no. The one thing that instantly caught his eye was the huge tub that sat on the kitchen island, gathering all the ingredients and producing ghastly plopping and and smacking sounds. Phil enthusiastically dug his fingers into the mix, hardening it and holding it together. His fingers proved useless against the wave he'd first created and so he sunk deeper until he was wrist-deep, trying to bring texture to his decomposed slug in the making.

Dan was dumbfounded for some time before finally fixing his stance and rubbing the bridge of his nose, a confused smile stretches his closed eyes. "Phil.." he sighs, pushing out a breathy chuckle. "Phil what are you doing?" He looks back up to see that earbuds were embedded into his ears, the thin cable leading to a phone at the edge of their marble island.

"And every time you feel it melting off on your fingers, be sure to massage some more star-" He unplugs it and listens for a few seconds before pausing the instruction video to gain Phil's attention back.

"Hi, Dan." He smiles genuinely and goes back to grunting at the forming slime, hoping that will quicken the result. "Phil, can I ask, once again about what you're doing?" With an eyebrow raised, he watched Phil carry the tub into the dining area and then aggressively drop it on the dining room table. "Making slime." He turns back to Dan, dusting his arms off and smiling wider.

"Why?" Frustratedly, he pointed at it, then at the kitchen and at his ring shirt that had been slowly whitening because of the powdered ingredient. He coughed lightly, and when he finally straightened up, Phil was in his face, staring him down. "I have my reasons.." he whispered, seductively. His eyes darken into a gray sky of heavy clouds and he held Dan's hand, leading him towards the table.

Dan gulped as his bare back touched the warm wood. Everything was getting colder. His ring shirt thudded on the floor beside him, Phil pinning his chest down and holding the far end of the tub up. A steady stream of slime plops onto Dan's body, surprisingly adhesive but uncomfortably stretchy. It imitated a melting state and slowly spread out, almost brushing his pants.

Phil calmly started pulling the jeans down when the slime took after them, and then he stopped with Dan's breath. Phil saw that he'd already given up and put an arm over his eyes, panting desperately. He stopped pulling at his pants and instead grabbed the end of the flattening slime sheet and folded it back into the center of Dan's stomach, pressing down lightly. He then stretched his arms over to Dan's neck to fold in the second bit. He pressed down on the slime, knowing how Dan could feel his skin stretch and tingle underneath the heavy goo.

He panted heavier when Phil lifted the entire weight and emptied it back into its container. He bit down on Dan's stomach and moved downward, using his teeth to slide a bit more of his jeans and unzip Dan into freedom. He bit the tip of Dan's helmet, causing him to yelp a little and clench his legs in anticipation.

Suddenly, his butt was facing Phil and his chest had met the table. He felt like he was cooking on a slow fire- turning and blushing red until his body couldn't handle any more heat. He hid his face in the joints of his arm sand felt Phil slowly slide into him ((trying so hard not to make a skewer-penis joke)).

It was slow and careful. The vapor trapped in Dan's arms made his red face sweat faster, his legs continuously hitting the table and inching it forward with every thrust. He gave off short screams until he served a grand finale of ear-filling moans together with Phil's grunts.

They both panted their way down from ascent and smiled. What a mess they've made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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