The Royal Fic

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Dan looked around disgustedly as everyone around him dogged after Prince William for a handshake and a shared stare. It was no longer about the cause of the campaign but the celebrity that's rapidly ruining its orderly purpose.

Just as he was mentally mourning the dead concept of the meeting, someone shoved passed him and another man to get to Prince William. Dan held his ground and, albite, wobbled a little bit, but the other man lost his balance completely and fell helplessly.

Dan rushed to the man's aid, worriedly asking "are you alright?" as he hoisted him up. "Ouch.. you'd think the Prince's escort wouldn't get toyed around with as much, but lo and behold." The man rubs his elbow in pain, embarrassed and awkward. Dan, on the other hand, couldn't believe what he'd heard.

"I-I I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know.."
"No need for formalities, as it seems they're not needed. Please, call me Phil." Dan tried his hardest not to make a joke reference to Prince Philip, and buried his smile under worried, furrowed brows. "I'm not exactly surprised, anyway.. what's your name?"

Dan was caught off guard to say the least. He took in the man's appearance and tried to analyze him the best he could. He did look like royalty- the fringe a sharp attack on his forehead, his sky blue suit boldly colored and ironed to a wrinkle-less perfection. The glasses framed his soft eyes and rested on the bridge of his petit nose. His lips.. Oh man, his lips. They looked sculpted. It was as if every word departed them with a suit just like his, educatedly and beautifully.

"Um..uh.." for a second he was lost in a sea of extremities he could go to with Phil's body, but he rejected these thoughts before they traveled to the rest of his body. "Dan. I'm Daniel, Dan for short." He blurted out, blood recirculating into his slowly stopping heart.

Phil smiled at him with a bit of barely hidden deviance. "Thank you for helping me, Dan." He turned around just as Dan's name fell out of his lips, sounding of perfection like never before. He couldn't let Phil just walk away, he needed to hear that again- clearer, louder and hotter.

"Sir!" Phil turned around, almost knowingly, as if to show this has happened before, with only a hint of his smile. "It's Phil, Daniel." Softly, he let his name into the atmosphere again and Dan could swear the heat of it almost melted his legs.

"Phil.." he found himself breathing the name out like it was held captive in his lungs for so long. It sounded so right.

"Good." He smiled and step after step, he slowly moved back, dragging Dan along with the sheer magnetism of the situation. Before his back hit the bathroom door, Phil slipped his hand out of his pocket and led the both of them into the empty bathroom stalls.

From there, the drive in their eyes brought everything forward in a flash- it was like they knew it would happen. They quickly went into one of the closest stalls and started roughly kissing. Dan was surprised he wasn't making as much noise as Phil, still, Phil managed to sound composed and so hot- like the sound was coming from the very back of his throat, from the depths of his long-breathing lungs.

After their pants came off, Dan was being pinned on the stall wall with his arms over his head and one of his knees bent and distanced from his body.

Dan looked up, teary-eyed from the overwhelming pleasure of it all, the kisses that Phil left on his neck with every thrust and the blood rush that came with a mixture of their soft moans.

The banging finally came to a halt, both men breathing strong and heavy. One simply belted his pants into place, adjusted his hair and glasses then exited with one last kiss and an evil smile.

After cleaning and and fixing himself up, he got out with a huff and noted that he was sore as an unripe apple, happy to have had some royal fun.

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