They Find Out You're Pregnant (FINALE!)

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It had been two weeks since your wedding. Since that night you had been feeling sick and bloated, and you'd had some weird food cravings. Pepper suggested that you go to the doctor but you didn't want to do that. So, you called your Uncle Bruce.

"Uncle Bruce?"

"Hey Y/N! What's up?"

"I-um...I'm sick. But not like normal sick."

"I'm listening."

"I've been throwing up a lot, I've had headaches, and I've been craving some weird foods," you told him.

"Well, sweetheart. It sounds to me like you might be pregnant. Have you and your husband done you-know-what?"


He hung up. Probably got a call for something more important. You decided to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test. When you got home, you immediately went to the bathroom to test it out. Then you waited for the results.

(time skip)

You couldn't believe it. It was positive. This is crazy. You're going to have a baby. Holy shit. Scared, you called your mother.


"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Can you and Dad come over? Quickly. It's important."

"On our way."

When Tony and Pepper got there, you were on the couch crying with a pregnancy test in your hand. Pepper gasped. Tony looked like he was about to faint.

"Y/N, is it-" Tony started. You nodded your head. Your parents embraced you and you stayed like that for 10 minutes. Until Tony asked you to name the baby after him.

Steve Rogers
You and your husband Peter (Parker) were hosting a dinner for your family. Last week you found out that you were pregnant. Peter was excited af. Tonight you were planning on telling everybody. You were mostly scared for your dad to find out.

"Hi everyone, thank you for coming," Peter said as he stood up at the table. "Y/N and I have an announcement to make. Take it away babe!"

"I'm pregnant."

Everyone went nuts. People were gasping, hugging you, squealing, and shaking Peter's hand. You glanced at your dad Steve. He walked over to you. Scared, you backed up a little. Suddenly, he threw his arms around you.

"I'm so proud of you hon. I love you."

"I love you too Daddy."

Bruce Banner
Actually, you didn't tell him. He found out before you did. You were sick and he asked if you were pregnant. Then he made you take a test. It was positive.

You and your girlfriend Grace Banner wanted kids. Living in New York, it wasn't hard to find babies to adopt. You and Grace decided to adopt twin baby boys named Grayson and Jackson. When you brought them home, Clint, Nat, and Bruce were all super excited to meet their grandsons. It was a really beautiful moment.

Maximoff Twins
You were dating Avery Thordottir. Now, Asgardians are really odd. Babies work differently. One day, you came home and she told you that she was pregnant. There wasn't really any explanation, it just happened. Not that you were complaining. You were really excited. Thor already knew when Avery told you. You weren't planning on telling your mom and uncle for a week or so. However, Thor can't keep a secret and he told them the next day. They were happy though. But smh, Thor!

You had a one night stand. A week later, you took a pregnancy test. Yep, you were pregnant. You didn't even know the father's name since you were drunk that night and he left before you woke up. Wade was really pissed. Not at you, at him. Wade promised to kill him if he ever found out who left you. He was really happy for you and his unborn grand baby.

Loki Laufeyson
Loki knew immediately that you were pregnant. He can read your mind. You thought he was mad, but he really wasn't. However, Loki was a bit upset since he thought you were a little too young. He forgave you though.

Peter Parker
You were a schoolteacher at Midtown Elementary. One of your student's parents had been attacked by a villain. You and your dad tried to save them, but unfortunately they died. You were even more upset when you found out that the poor little girl in your class had no other family. She was a smart kid, one of your favorite students. Being the caring person you are, you adopted her. Your Great-Aunt May and your dad were so happy for the two of you. You loved your daughter more than anything.

Thor and Jane Odinson
When you found out you were pregnant, you first told your boyfriend, Asher Fandrelson. Then you told your Aunt Darcy and Uncle Erik for some reason. Then they told Jane, who told Thor, who told Loki, who told Sif, who told the Warrior's Three. By next week all of Asgard and the Avengers knew. Lesson learned: Never tell Darcy first!

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ A/N: Wow guys! The response to this story has been nothing sort of amazing. I love every single one of you so much. Thank you all for reading and voting. This was my first story and I'm so happy people have liked it. Unfortunately, I've gotten so busy I don't have time to keep track of writing multiple stories. For time being, I'm going to mark this book as complete. I am working on some other stuff atm and I have two other finished Avengers stories. One is more Avengers Preferences and the other is a one-shot about the Spider-Man Homecoming cast. It would mean so much if you checked those out.

But seriously you guys. Thank you so so so much. All the comments and support have been my motivation for writing since day one. Maybe one day I'll continue this book and make it like the Avengers interacting with their grandkids or something like that. Would you guys be interested in that? Please comment and let me know! That's all for now. I can't thank you enough. Love you guys! ❤️

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