Fandoms You and Your Mom/Dad Are In

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You and your dad loved Star Trek. Both of you even watched the old TV show. However, the new movies with Chris Pine are your favorite.

You and your mom loved to watch the Princess Diaries movies. Pepper's favorite was the first one, but you preferred the second one.

Steve Rogers
Your dad and you really liked the Harry Potter books and movies. Steve was a bit skeptical at first but he loved them. Your favorite was The Deathly Hallows and his was The Philosopher's Stone.

Thor Odinson
Both of your parents and you absolutely loved the Percy Jackson and The Olympians series. Your dad was fascinated by all the cool Greek gods and your mom loved the mythology and science parts. You just liked the humor and characters that were around your age. But all of you could agree that Jason and Annabeth are the best.

Bruce Banner
Three words: THE MAZE RUNNER!! You guys loved all the characters and thought that the plot was amazing. Your favorite was The Death Cure (rip Newt) but he liked The Scorch Trials better.

Bucky Barnes
You guys really liked Wonder Woman. The film was amazing. It was fairly accurate to how superheroes were like. And it was a war movie with a guy named Steve. And Diana was your middle name, so you were happy. Also, your dad may or may not have a crush on Gal Gadot.

There was only one big thing that your parents disagreed on. Your mom loved Divergent and your dad loved The Hunger Games. They both related to the main character. You loved both. Weirdly, you liked the HG movies better and the Divergent books better.

Maximoff Twins
The three of you loved Once Upon a Time. However, you disagreed on ships. Your mom shipped Swanfire. Uncle Pietro shipped Swan Queen. You? Captain Swan for the win.

Peter Parker
STAR FREAKING WARS! You both were obsessed with Star Wars. His favorite character was Han while yours was Rey. Sometimes your dad said that you were the Leia to his Anakin. Even though you were more like Luke and Padmé. But you both knew that episode 5 was the best.

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