How You Met Part 2

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Thor Odinson
Jane was going into labor on Asgard. Thor knew she was expecting, but he had no idea what to do. Luckily Frigga and the maids were there to help deliver the baby. After 3 hours of sitting outside the bedroom waiting, Frigga called Thor into the room. What he saw brought tears to his eyes.

Jane was sitting on the huge bed with a little bundle in her arms. "Thor, meet your daughter." Jane said smiling. He went over and sat next to her. Jane handed the golden bundle over to her husband. Thor looked at the face of his sleeping daughter lovingly. "Hello young one, I'm your father." He said. "Thor sweetheart, the child needs a name." Frigga said. "How about......Y/N Darcy Amelia Thordottir?" Jane suggested. "It's perfect for a princess of Asgard." Thor replied.

Bucky Barnes
Bucky was in currently living in Washington DC with Sam and Steve. They had a shared apartment, right next to Sharon Carter's. Bucky was out for a walk when he heard crying. He looked around, trying to find the source of the wailing. Bucky went around the corner and saw a little baby sitting on a doorstep of what looked to be an old abandoned orphanage. He picked the baby up and saw that it was a girl. Bucky had always wanted a family. So, he took her home with him since she apparently had no parents.

Sam and Steve were out doing who knows what, so they were alone. Then Bucky realized he forgot something. "You need a name, don't you doll? What about Dottie? No, too old fashioned. Margaret? Wait no, that was Peggy's real name." Bucky then thought for a few more minutes while he fed his new daughter. "I got it! Y/N Sarah Diana Barnes!" The little girl giggled softly. "Yeah...I like it too." Bucky then went back to feeding Y/N, eager to introduce his best friends (even though Sam wouldn't admit that they were) to his daughter.

Pietro & Wanda (I made it so Wanda is the mother and Pietro is the uncle)
Wanda couldn't believe it. How the hell was she pregnant? She had used birth control, but apparently it didn't work. Unfortunately when Wanda told the guy she *did it with*, he left and that was the last she saw of him. Now she was in a hospital with Bruce, Dr. Cho, Vision, Pietro, and Clint giving birth to a baby girl. Finally, after 7 hours of labor, she had her baby girl in her arms with her brother by her side.

"What are you going to name her Wanda?" Pietro asked his sister. "I was thinking her middle name would be Mom's name, but I'm not sure about her first name yet." She replied. "I kinda like the name Y/N..." Pietro said. "Hm. Y/N Natalya Maximoff." Wanda thought the name suited her. Now she and Pietro can introduce her little Y/N to the rest of the team.


I hope you all like this part! Please leave all suggestions/requests in the comments, I'll be sure to look at them 😊 I actually had to research Wanda & Pietro's mother's name because at first I thought it was Marya Maximoff. Turns out, Marya is their aunt who just took care of them after Natalya died. So I just decided to have the middle name be Natalya. Can you tell where all of the middle names came from? Hehe, just little easter eggs I put in ☺️ Next part will be tomorrow!

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