Your Super Powers (adding Deadpool because why not?)

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You don't have powers, but you're very smart. At 14, you built your own Iron Man suit.

Steve Rogers
Like your father, have super strength. It's pretty helpful in gym class.

Your mother taught you some gymnastics, but your real talent is shooting guns. You hit the target almost every time.

Thor Odinson
Being an Asgardian, you're immortal. Also, you have a sword similar to your dad's hammer.

Bruce Banner
As a child, you were injected with a serum that makes you shoot sparks out of your hands. It only occurs when you're angry.

Loki Laufeyson
You are able to manipulate snow and ice. You're half frost giant so it didn't surprise anyone when you got your powers.

Wanda Maximoff
You and your mother have the same telekinesis powers. She helped you learn to control it so you don't hurt anyone.

Peter Parker
Your father gave you your own web shooters and Spider Girl suit. It was pretty cool swinging around Queens with your dad.

Bucky Barnes
You got shot in the arm when you were 12, so you got a metal arm just like your dad. Now you have super strength!

Wade Wilson
Really? Deadpool is your dad, so of course you've known how to stab and shoot people since you were 7. You often go on missions with Wade.


A/N: I hope you guys like it, and that I added Deadpool. I'm thinking of adding Doctor Strange, let me know what you guys think.

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