Uh oh

725 3 0

Dirk's head space: little more than 1 ( about 1 and a half)

Jake: daddy

Roxy: Rah Rah

Jane: Cookie


Dirk had been up working on a project for hours.  Dirk had been stressing over this thing for months. Because of this, he missed their monthly scheduled 'play dates' more than once now.  Jake was not happy about this.  They set up the play dates so they could both relax, but this project was keeping that from happening.  Jake was going to take matters into his own hands.  

Dirk jumped as the door to his workshop slammed open.  He looked over his shoulder and sighed.

"Oh, Jake, it's you."  He went back to work.  Jake walked over, spun the chair around, and leaned into Dirk's personal bubble.

"Jake, what the hell are you-"

"Shut up.  Dirk Strider you have been pushing this off for far to long.  Now you get you hiney out of that chair, and go sit it on the nursery floor this instant.  Got it?"  Dirk sighed.  He knew this would happen.  He needed it, he really did.  He had almost slipped into little mode more than once.

"Jake I don't have time for this crap."

"Dirk, go.  Now."

"Jake i have to much to-!"

"One."  Uh oh.  He was counting.  Dirk's eyes widened behind his shades,


"Alright alright!  You win! Happy?" Dirk got up and walked into the nursery. He sat on the floor and crossed his arms.  Jake walked in and smiled.  He pulled out a pair of robot themed footy pajamas, and a diaper. He walked over and picked the blond up.  Dirk leaned his head on Jake's shoulder.  When they got in the bathroom, Jake sat his boyfriend on the toilet, got out a towel and set it on the sink (it was like a giant baby towel), and started a warm bath.  After the bath was ready, he undressed dirk and put him in.  He dumped some age appropriate bath toys in.

"There you go love." Dirk was putting the gears on the wall and pouring water on them.  He was standing on his knees to pour the water.  After he got bored, he went to splashing around a boat.

"Alright prince, time to get you cleaned up."  He rubbed baby soap into his hair and hummed.  Dirk relaxed considerably at this.  He loved being fussed over like this, but would never admit it.  After the buck tooth boy got his 'baby' cleaned up, he unplugged the tub and got the towel ready. He scooped up dirk, making the blond giggle.

"Dada siwwy."  Jake smiled.

"Not as silly as you my little prince."  He dried off Dirk and smiled.  He clasped the diaper on and started slipping on the footy pj's.  While doing that, the bathroom door burst open.

"DIRKY!  JAKEY!  WE'RE H-..."  Dirk's eyes widened and his head snapped up.  Roxy and Jane were in the doorway, staring at him.  He felt panic rise in his chest and he started to hyperventilate.  He couldn't here what Jake was trying to tell him.  All he could do was stare at the girls with fat tears rolled down his cheeks.  Jake pushed the girls into the living room and locked the door.  After buttoning up the footy pajamas, he held Dirk's face in his hands gently.

"Dirk darling, look at me."  Dirk snapped his wide eyes to Jake.  Jake smiled.

"There's my prince.  Golly Dirk, you had me scared there for a minute.  Are you ok?"  Dirk shakily nodded his head.

"Oh Dirk, I should have locked the door.  I'm sorry about this.  You ready to go tell them what's going on?  Or do you want to go sit in the nursery for a bit and let me do all the talking?"  Dirk sniffed.


"Alright prince."  He picked the blond up and walked across the hall.  He set Dirk in his crib, popped his paci in his mouth, and gave him his toy robot.  He walked out of the room, but kept the door open.  He walked into the living room where Roxy and Jane were, sitting on the couch confused.

"You two probably want an explanation am i right?"

"Uh yeah!  Good golly English!"  He smiled at Jane.

"Alright.  Dirk and I have been doing this thing called age play."

"Wait... I've heard of that.  Are you to dong it fer sex?"

"Ew!  No!  It's just something to help both of us relax.  Nothing more and nothing less. Honest."  Jane thought.

"Ok.... but why did Dirk go into a panic attack when we walked in the room?"  Jake sighed.

"Little or not, he's still not 100% comfortable with this.  He doesn't want anyone to think he's a freak."  They nodded.

"So... when he's little.... what's he like?"  Roxy asked.  Jake smiled as the girls waited.

"He is so sweet.  He LOVES to play.  He loves to be held and snuggled.  He's better than any real baby I could ask for.  What more is there to say?"  

"Awwww!"  The girls said.

"That's so sweet Jakey!"

"Yeah!  I just wish he would warm up to us."

"Oh don't worry.  Dirk is anything but shy.  He'll come around."

"DAHTEE I GE' OW!"  Jake, Roxy, and Jane all walked in.  In the crib was Dirk, arms crossed, a small pout, and anger flaring in his orange eyes.

"Pwease."  He added with an irritated tone.  Jane and Roxy giggled.  Dirk was still Dirk after all.  Jake chuckled.

"Of course love."  He picked the blond up, who snuggled into Jake's shoulder.  He looked over to the girls, eyes twinkling with innocence.  They smiled.

"Hi Dirk."

"Hey Dirky!"  Dirk thought, then smiled.

"Rah Rah!  Cookie!"  The girls giggled at the nicknames.  They played for hours until it was nap time for Dirk, then the other 3 sat and talked.  After Dirk woke up, Jake started on dinner while the other two watched Dirk.  After  dinner, they all sat and watch 'Robots', which was Dirk's favorite movie.  Dirk fell asleep about half way through, so Jake went and tucked him in.  After the movie ended, the girls left.

*the next day*

"Jake!"  Jake yawned and stood up.  He went into the nursery, to see Dirk tapping his fingers on his crossed arms.

"Thanks for makin this impossible for me to get out of babe."  Jake laughed and unlatched it.

"No problem darling."  Dirk got out and kissed Jake, who melted into the kiss.  Dirk parted.

"So the girls know." He said, running a shaky hand through his blond hair.

"Calm down Dirk.  They love you.  Both parts of you."  Dirk smiled.

"Thanks babe."

"No problem. Now go get changed.  You still look like a child."  Jake left.  Dirk smiled and thought.  Maybe this Uh oh wasn't so bad after all.

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